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    [postfix] Change the sender address for root mail from
    "root@${::hostname}" to "root@${::fqdn}". This is needed by newer
    versions of postfix and makes more sense anyway.

    [wallet] Make wallet ketyab use the correct path for ktutil.

Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed
    [duo] Change apt pin file to point to codename rather than archive
    name. [adamhl]

Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed
    [out_of_date] Add some parameters to the interface to make it easier
    to point at different out-of-date servers. [adamhl]

    [ssh] Change interface parameter. The parameter
    base::ssh::extra_gssapi_only_users has been renamed to
    base::ssh::extra_skip_duo_users to more accurately reflect what this
    parameter does. Also, fix some whitespace messiness in
    /etc/pam.d/sshd [adamhl]
    [syslog] Add use_logsink_server parameter that allows servers to not
    send logs to the logsink server. Once everyone is using Splunk, ELK,
    etc., we will set this default to false. In the meantime, the default
    is true. [adamhl]

    [pam] Add "ensure" parameter to base::pam::debian to allow the
    non-installation of some Kerberos-related PAM packages in the special
    case of non-production Kerberos servers not synced with production
    Kerberos environment. [adamhl]

release/005.010 (2017-10-02)

    [kerberos] Use three rather than four "kdc" lines in
    /etc/krb5.conf. [adamhl]

    Starting the work to make the code Puppet 4 compatible. [adamhl]

Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed
    [ssh] Add $extra_gssapi_only_users parameter listing any extra
    accounts that should skip Duo (i.e., service accounts). [adamhl]
    [postfix] Remove the transport lines which allowed mail
    to route via published MX records, because that is moving entirely
    off-campus Instead, just have everything go through
    (which still has an on-campus presence). [akkornel]

release/005.009 (2017-07-07)

    [ntp] Push "tinker-panic 0" to the top of the ntp.conf file to help
    address the timekeeping problem with vmware. This means always reset
    the clock, even if the new time is more than 1000s away from the
Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed
release/005.008 (2017-06-25)

    [ssh] Add $max_sessions options. [adamhl]

    [iptables] Ensure that port numbers are converted to strings inside
    the rules erb file to avoid Ruby errors. [adamhl]

Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed
    [kerberos] Allow kerberos kinit port number override for the "custom"
    version of krb5.conf. Needed for the non-production kerberos
    environments that don't use port 88. [adamhl]

Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed
release/005.007 (2017-06-22)
Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed
    [kerberos] Add option to completely override /etc/krb5.conf using
    the parameter 'source'. [adamhl]
    [kerberos] Add a new defined resource type that makes it easier to
    setup a krb5.conf file. The defined resource type is
    base::kerberos::krb5_conf [adamhl]
    [newsyslog] Pull out filter-syslog from newsyslog so filtersyslog can
    be used separately from newsyslog. [adamhl]

Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed
    [ssh] Change the method by which we specify a list of sunetids too
    filter via filter-syslog. If you install this version of base you will
    need to add to hiera the list of sunetids whose authentication failure
    warnings you want to continue ignoring. Otherwise, your root mail get
    noisier. Because this only affects filter-syslog it has no affect on
    the actual ssh service running on the server, so it is a very
    low-impact change. [adamhl]

    [ssh] Ignore a couple more innocuous sshd log lines. [adamhl]

    [ssh] Add the parameter $pubkey to the ssh class to allow ssh key-pair
    logins (this way you do not have to do class inheritance). Also add a
    parameter to allow root users to login using ssh key-pairs. Both of
    these parameters are set to have no effect by default. [adamhl]
Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed
    [ssh] Add the parameter $ip_ranges. This is an array of iptable
    addresses that are allowed to access port 22 on this server. [adamhl]

release/005.006 (2017-02-16)

    [kerberos] Add support for the new kerberos environment 'qa'. [adamhl]

release/005.005 (2017-02-02)

    [kerberos] Add the option rdns_enabled so that Kerberos can be
    configured not to require clients to do a reverse DNS lookup on the
Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed
    hostname of a service principal. The default is set to true, so unless
    specifically overridden to false Kerberos clients will behave as they
    always have. [adamhl]
Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed
    [kerberos] Change the master_kdc setting in krb5.conf to point to an
    alias of the master (kerberos1). This will not change how the
    configuration works, but makes it easier to change the ordering of the
Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed
    replicas if, in the future, we need to. [adamhl]
release/005.004 (2017-01-09)

    [os] Change the exec resource in the 'aptitude' staged
    base::os::debian::apt class to have the name 'apt config aptitude
    update' so that it will not interfere with other exec's of the same
    name in the 'main' stage. [adamhl]

Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed
release/005.003 (2016-12-16)

    [ssh] Add "@" to a few more variables on sshd_config.erb. [adamhl]

Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed
release/005.002 (2016-12-13)

    [ssh] Change the class "ssh::pam" to "base::ssh::pam".  This should
    only affect people who are setting ssh::pam variables via Hiera, or
    via class parameters.  Clients setting base::ssh variables in any
    way are not affected. [akkornel]

    [ssh] Add support for the pam_slurm module.  This is for clients using
    the SLURM job scheduler, and who want to prevent users from logging in
    without an allocation.  This is disabled by default.  Also add the
    pam_slurm_bypass parameter, which is a file containing a list of users
    (one per line) who should not be blocked by pam_slurm. [aseishas]

    [syslog] On Ubuntu, have files and directories by owned by the
    "syslog" user, and the "adm" group.

    [wallet] When running inside a Packer build, do not attempt to retrieve
    things from wallet. [akkornel]

    [os::debian] More @ symbols into ERB templates. [akkornel]

    Add "path" attributes to several exec resources. This will be required
    in the next version of Puppet. [adamhl]

    [puppetclient] Replace "local" variables in ERB templates with what is
    really intended: instance variables defined in the calling manifest
    (or defined as a Puppet fact). While currently not strictly necessary,
    in a future version Puppet will stop interpreting ERB local variables
    as instance variables, so we might as well fix them now. Furthermore,
    when using "puppet apply" incorrect use of variables in templates
    generates ugly red warnings, so fixing these now makes "puppet apply"
    happier. [adamhl]

    [puppetclient] Remove some conditional code that made sense when we
    used very old versions of Puppet. [adamhl]

    [ssh, syslog, xinetd] More instance variable cleanup. [adamhl]
    [ipmi] When comparing lsbmajdistrelease to a Debian version, convert
    lsbmajdistrelease to an integer first (otherwise, get Ruby
    error). [adamhl]
    [os/debian] Add parameter to allow the option of *not* including the
    debian-stanford backports repository in the apt sources. [adamhl]
release/005.000 (2016-11-21)

    This release has a number of breaking changes.

    [duo] base::duo has been completely reworked into a type plus a common
    class.  Clients which use Duo for their own purposes should create an
    instance of base::duo::config, which will create a Duo PAM config file for
    them to use.  See README.duo for more information.

    [ipmi] A complete rework of base::ipmi.      The base::noipmi class no
    longer exists.  Instead, IPMI support should be disabled by setting
    base::ipmi::ensure to "absent".  IPMI kernel modules, and ipmievd, should
    still be automatically disabled on virtual systems, even when
    "ensure => present"; in those cases, the IPMI client tools will still be
    installed.  Code has been updated for Debian 8 and Ubuntu 16.04.

    [os/debian] All aptitude operations are now performed in a new phase,
    called "aptitude".  The "aptitude" phase is configured to run before

    Clients which rely on aptitude being up-to-date must no longer
    "require => Exec['aptitude update']".  The nature of Puppet phases will
    ensure that aptitude is already updated.

    Clients installing their own custom sources are advised to move all of that
    into separate classes, and to put those classes into a new phase of their
Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed
    own.  This new phase should "require => Stage['aptitude']" and
    "before => Stage['main']", to ensure proper execution sequencing.

    [os/debian] Add two Hiera-configurable parameters to base::os::debian::apt:

    * apt_cache_notin_tmp.  If true, use a different directory to store package
    scripts that need to be run during package install/upgrade.

    * apt_cache_tmp_dir.  When apt_cache_notin_tmp is true, this is the
    directory to use for package scripts.

    [os/debian] Install the stanford-server package (this might trigger a
    duplicate resource error if currently installed by other classes).

    [postfix/sender] A new type: base::postfix::sender.  This is similar to
    base::postfix::recipient, except it is used to rewrite sender addresses
    instead of recipient addresses.

    It is suggested that clients use base::postfix::sender to ensure that
    emails sent 'from' "" or "" are
    instead being sent 'from' either "" or

    [ssh] A fairly large rework of SSH code.  Support has been added for
    treating "alternate accounts" (.root, .admin, root., and admin.) the same
    as root.  Code has also been updated to account for changes to base::duo.
    Support has also been added to completely disable password authentication.
    Support for Ed25519 keys is also included (though disabled by default).
    Finally, pam_afs is now configurable: It can be disabled on systems that do
    not use AFS.

    See README.ssh for more information on how to use the code.

    [sudo] Complete rework of base::sudo, including configurable support for
    Duo.  Anyone in the "sudo" or "wheel" group gets sudo access.  If Duo is
    enabled, anyone on a specified list is able to sudo without a password, but
    with a two-step run.  Fail-secure is supported, as is using the GECOS field
    to specify the username that Puppet should actually use.

    See README.sudo for more information on how to use the code.

    [syslog] Some fixes for Ubuntu.

    [os/debian] Fix the $PATH used by aptitude.

    [puppetclient] Fix a filter-syslog regex error.

Karl Kornel's avatar
Karl Kornel committed
release/004.063 (2016-10-17)

    [ipmi] EL package requires (like EL6, EL7 only has available OpenIPMI,
    and not OpenIPMI-tools. (jlent)  Fix ipmievd configuration for Ubuntu.
Karl Kornel's avatar
Karl Kornel committed

    [os] Update the Ubuntu-to-Debian mapping. (akkornel)  Enable the
    debian-stanford backports for Unbuntu distros based on Wheezy and Jessie.
Karl Kornel's avatar
Karl Kornel committed
    (akkornel)  Also add additional Ubuntu-specific backports. (akkornel)
    Also remove daemontools as a default install on systemd Ubuntu. (akkornel)

    [ntp] Add the SRCF time server, make sure NTP is installed, and disable
Karl Kornel's avatar
Karl Kornel committed
    systemd-timesyncd on RHEL 8.

    [xinetd] Make sure inetd is removed before xinetd is installed. (akkornel)

    [wallet] Make sure the base::wallet::client class is included when
Karl Kornel's avatar
Karl Kornel committed
    required. (akkornel)
release/004.062 (2016-06-03)

    [os] Fix references applicable to Oracle Linux
    [cron] Address cron-related package not available on Oracle Linux
    [puppetclient] Address lack of versionlock on Oracle Linux (jlent)

release/004.061 (2016-04-21)

    [os] Add some parameters to the base::os::debian class to make apt use
Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed
    a directory other than /tmp for its cache.

    Reason: The apt utility when installing or uninstalling a package puts
    its temporary files, including scripts it needs to execute, in
    /tmp. If the /tmp partition is set to noexec (as recommended by
    security advisors), then one cannot run any executable out of the /tmp
    directory. The result is that the package install will not finish
    properly. The new parameters in the base::os::debian class tell apt to
    use /var/cache/apt/tmp as its temporary cache directory getting around
    the /tmp noexec problem.

    Note that the default is to continue using /tmp as apt's cache
    directory, so upgrading to this version is safe. (adamhl)
release/004.060 (2016-04-04)

    [kerberos] Add the mapping -->
    WINUAT.STANFORD.EDU in /etc/krb5.conf. (adamhl)

release/004.059 (2016-03-17)

    [kerberos] Add the new non-production Windows Active Directory domain
    WINUAT.STANFORD.EDU to /etc/krb5.conf. No other change to
    /etc/krb5.conf, so this is a completely safe upgrade. (adamhl)

Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed
release/004.058 (2016-02-04)

    [dns] Remove Livermore-specific DNS (anycast works there now). (akkornel)
Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed
    [ssh] Allow multiple ports in sshd_config. (adamhl)
    [puppetclient] strip special treatment for Puppet 2.X hosts (jlent)
    [pam] Stop overriding common PAM files with Debian jessie. (akkornel)
    [ssh] Misc. filter-syslog cleanups. (akkornel)
Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed
release/004.056 (2015-11-05)

    [sudo] Add an option to support sudo-with-Duo. (adamhl)
Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed
    [duo] New class to load Duo code and wallet object. (adamhl)
    [ssh] Add pam_duo option to enable Duo for ssh regular logins (adamhl)
    [puppetclient] Add an option to override the certname in the [agent]

release/004.055 (2015-10-08)

Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed
    [dns] Rewrite base::dns::cache so that it uses dnsmasq on jessie
    systems. (adamhl)

Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed
release/004.054 (2015-09-14)
Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed
    [systemd] New class to allow systemd daemon reloads. (adamhl)

    [dns] Changes Livermore detection to use the system's primary IP address,
    instead of using a manually-set parameter. (akkornel)
Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed
    [kerberos] Automatically determine if we are in Livermore; if we are, place
    the Livermore-based KDC at the top of the list. (akkornel)

    Clients who are using the base::kerberos::dr class should immediately switch
    to using base::kerberos.  base::kerberos::dr is deprecated.

Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed
    [kerberos] Add two parameters to the base::kerberos class. The first
    is used to force the kerberos client to prefer TCP over UDP. The
    second allows one to indicate which kerberos environment to use: prod,
    test, or uat. In both cases, the defaults are such that the krb5.conf
    will continue to have the same contents as before the addition of
    these parameters.

Jonathan Lent's avatar
Jonathan Lent committed
release/004.053 (2015-07-28)

    [rpm] Adding a dag-EL7.repo file so that EL7 hosts can get a
    valid repo file based on the existing logic of the manifest (jlent)

release/004.052 (2015-07-27b)

    [iptables] Add an "include base::iptables" to base::iptables::rule
    define so it will run correctly by itself. (adamhl)

release/004.051 (2015-07-27)
    [os] Small fix in base::os::debian to one of the systemd-related
    [kerberos] Change the configuration for the WIN.SLAC.STANFORD.EDU domain,
    as per Kent Reuber (see INC000003427399) (akkornel)

    [rpm] Remove EL6 package requires of yum-plugin-downloadonly, since
    yum-3.2.29-69 includes this plugin and obsoletes the individual
    package (thus putting the puppet ensure in a loop) (jlent)

release/004.050 (2015-07-24)
    [rpm] Making available openafs-1.6.{7,8}-EL{5,6,7}.repo files
    pointing to Also edited rpm.pp to reflect that
    EL7 hosts should get 1.6.8 by default (jlent)

release/004.049 (2015-07-22)

    [os] Small fix to the 'ping' capability adjustment: grep -v does not
    return 0 on success, so changed "onlyif" to "unless" (adamhl)

    [os] Enable the jessie-backports Stanford debian repository sources
    file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/backports.list (now that jessie-backports
    is available) (adamhl)
release/004.048 (2015-06-24)
    [newsyslog] Change permissions of /var/log/btmp to '600' in RHEL
    systems so that sshd stops complaining. This is because RHEL builds
    of openssh are paranoid about the frequency that passwords are
    mistakenly entered as usernames. If the utmp group is compromised,
    there could be enough context to get real account credentials (jlent)
    [dns] Make dns_cache a class-level parameter, so that it can be set in
    Hiera (as base::dns::dns_cache) (akkornel)

    [dns] Add support for Livermore, via Hiera.  Set base::dns::livermore (in
    Hiera) to true, and Livermore DNS gets added to resolv.conf (akkornel)

    [dns] Add support for disabling Puppet management of resolv.conf, for
    systems using DHCP (akkornel)

    [remctl] Require remctl-server package be installed before installing
release/004.047 (2015-06-17)
Karl Kornel's avatar
Karl Kornel committed
    [os] Adjust capability on 'ping' to allow non-root users to use
    this utility on Jessie systems (jlent)
Jonathan Lent's avatar
Jonathan Lent committed
release/004.046 (2015-06-12)
    [os] Start filtering systemd-related messages from syslog (akkornel)

    [rpm] re-enable the rhn plugin for bonafide RHEL hosts, since with
    the new licensing, updates will come from RHN classic (jlent)

    [syslog] Have filter-syslog ignore some systemd log messages; fix an
    @-template deprecation warning (adamhl)
    [rpm] Removing the ensures that continue to push out the
    RHEL OS repositories previously hosted on yum, since we no
    no longer have our RedHat licensing agreement. Any one-off
    hosts with new keys will need to point at a cloud-based
    instance anyway (jlent)
    [os/centos] Changing the group name for GID 37 back to
    rpm, as it is in RedHat proper (jlent)
Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed
release/004.044 (2015-05-21)

    [vmguest] Add a parameter to allow the non-installation of the
    tripwire client. (adamhl)

Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed
    Add some @'s to some instance variables in a couple of template
    files. (adamhl)

Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed
release/004.043 (2015-05-15)

    [dns] Remove the legacy "C" DNS servers from resolv.conf.  Networking is
    shutting down these servers on November 1, and will start notifying admins
    in May.  (akkornel)

    [os] In wheezy, when CRON logs to syslog it appears as
    "/USR/BIN/CRON[12345]". With jessie, however, this has changed and the
    syslog entry now looks like "CRON[12345]". So, we add a new rule in the
    filter-syslog debian file to capture this new format. (adamhl)

    [syslog] jessie has changed how rsyslogd logs to syslog so we change
    filter-syslog a bit to handle this format change. (adamhl)

release/004.042 (2015-05-04)

    [ntp] Remove obsolete host references from ntp.conf.  Also,
    remove iptables rules allowing inbound ntp connections to
    servers. (whm)
    [iptables] Remove obsolete fragments for ldap and AFS file
    servers. (whm)
release/004.041 (2015-04-29)
    [portmap] Minor edit to insist that EL7 gets rpcbind, as does
    EL6, instead of portmap (jlent)

    [os] Edited conditional in sources.list.erb to allow Jessie hosts
    to get the expected Stanford-hosted Debian repositories (jlent)

    [vmguest] VMWare does not package vmware-tools-esx-nox for EL7. They
    instead recommend the use of open-vm-tools. Added a condition
    and refactored vmguest.pp appropriately. Also, change to
    portmap.pp. EL7, like EL6, requires rpcbind and not portmap (jlent)
release/004.040 (2015-04-21)

    Correct spelling mistake introduced in release/004.038. (whm)

release/004.039 (2015-04-21)

    Correct install of emacs on jessie systems. (whm)

release/004.038 (2015-04-20)

    Make sure that the rsyslog preferences file is installed only on
    wheezy systems.  (whm)

release/004.037 (2015-04-20)

    Remove lenny and older references from tftp_client, os::debian,
    postfix, syslog, and pam.  (whm)

release/004.036 (2015-04-14)

    [os][rpm] Support CentOS via its own class, stub an OEL
    class, small fixes to redhat.pp to be generic enough for use
    by these RHEL-ish operating systems, edits to allow EL7-
    specific repository inclusions {and exclusions} (jlent)

release/004.035 (2015-04-12)
    [ipmi] Re-endable ipmievd on jessie by setting the options
release/004.034 (2015-04-08)
    [yumtools] Minor fix for RHEL5 and yum plugins. (jlent)

    [cron] Add parameter to base::cron to allow anacron package to be
    installed (helpful for Ubuntu systems with ubuntu-desktop
    package). (adamhl)

    [ipmi] Don't attempt to run ipmievd on jessie.  It doesn't appear
    to be available.  (whm)

release/004.033 (2015-03-13)

    Modify the base::ssh::config::sshd define to allow the
    specification of content or source.  This is required to support
    host with special ssh requirements like systems that use duo. (whm)
Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed

    Fix a missed hyphen in reference to class fragment-template in
    defense.pp. (adamhl)

    [dns] Refactor dns into several files and a fix a small
    typo. (adamhl)
Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed

Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed
release/004.032 (2015-03-06)

    Fix a few more deprecation warnings concering instance variables
    (i.e., add '@'s in ERB files) (adamhl)

release/004.031 (2015-03-02)

    Beginning of work to support RHEL-ish operating systems
    such as CentOS and Oracle Linux. The most common change
    involves converting 'operatingsystem' variable/fact usage
    to 'osfamily'. These changes were made safely as not to
    potentially affect any existing hosts. There may be some
    additional refinements when CentOS and Oracle hosts come
    online; for now,  we're assuming they act identical to RHEL.
    Additionally modified puppetclient.pp to support version
    locking of puppet and facter versions on RHEL systems.
    Added one additional manifest to facilitate this.
release/004.030 (2015-02-25)
    Removed references to darrenp1 and rra in a filter-syslog file

release/004.029 (2015-02-24d)

    [rpm][yumtools] - slight reorganization involving which
Jonathan Lent's avatar
Jonathan Lent committed
    manifest actually installs the yum versionlock package (jlent)

release/004.028 (2015-02-24c)

    [puppetclient] Undo the basemodulepath configuration directive
    setting from release/004.027. The default basemodulepath is fine.

release/004.027 (2015-02-24b)

    [puppetclient] Set up basemodulepath configuration directive for
    puppetservice1-dev (adamhl)

release/004.026 (2015-02-24a)

    [yumtools] added new group of yum-related
    commands that can be used to manage package
    pins, groups, yum plugins and gpg keys
release/004.025 (2015-02-23)
    [rpm] regression of the ensure of the
    versionlock.list file. A blank version of this
    file is already installed with yum-*-versionlock,
    and since a single file is used for all current
    and future pinnings, one-off manual pins may
    get overwritten via delivery of a flat file (jlent)

release/004.024 (2015-02-20)

    [rpm] slight fix to release 023 in the rpm repo
    template file name (jlent)

release/004.023 (2015-02-20)

    [rpm] Added ensures to pull in the Stanford PuppetLabs
    repo on all RHEL-ish hosts. Also ensure that packages
    yum-utils and yum-plugin-versionlock are installed to
    assist in yum configurations such as package locking.
    'versionlock' file is just stubbed for now, and will
    be expanded in the future (jlent)

release/004.022 (2015-02-17)
    [syslog] Correct template names for the impstats fragments that
    support debugging rsyslog problems.  Update the documentation in
    the base::syslog::fragment to make debugging a bit easier.

release/004.021 (2015-02-17)

    [puppetclient] Filter out "Retrieving pluginfacts" puppet-agent
    messages using filter-syslog. (adamhl)

release/004.020 (2015-02-10)

    Update references in motd and newsyslog to follow puppet3
    requirements.  (whm)

release/004.019 (2015-02-05)

    Remove obsolete iptables fragment files. (whm)

    Change syslog tls support to follow host base naming conventions
release/004.017 (2015-01-30)

    [dns] More instance variable @ fixes for resolv.conf.erb. (adamhl)

release/004.016 (2015-01-23)

    Another fix for lsb package names on RHEL. (darrenp1)

release/004.015 (2015-01-16)

    Fix comments and class names to use underscore, not hyphens. (darrenp1)

release/004.014 (2015-01-16)

    [dns] Instance variable @ fixes for resolv.conf.erb. (adamhl)

release/004.013 (2015-01-08b)

    [postfix] Fix config file for CentOS; break class out of
    postfix.pp into postfix/server.pp. (adamhl)

release/004.012 (2015-01-08)

    Add 4 new rsyslog formats to the templates available:
    FromHostFileFormat, FromHostForwardFormat, FromIPFileFormat, and
    FromHostFileFormat.  (whm)

release/004.011 (2015-01-02)

    [iptables] Fix @'s in iptables template file rule.erb. (adamhl)

release/004.010 (2014-12-22)

    Fix @ in an iptables template file. (adamhl)

release/004.009 (2014-12-17)

    Fix for $::fqdn_lc across module. (darrenp1)

release/004.008 (2014-12-11)

    [os] Fix for RHEL lsb package names for different releases. (darrenp1)

release/004.007 (2014-12-05)

    Several changes to support CentOS. (adamhl)

    Fix another @ in a template file. (adamhl)

release/004.006 (2014-12-05)

    [puppetclient] Install ruby-json on wheezy systems (recently patched
    wheezy systems with Puppet 2.x require ruby-json to avoid
    annoying error messages). (adamhl)

    [dns] Change the order of the nameservers and move the anycast
    servers to the top of the list.  (whm)
    [ssh] Allow the PermitRootLogin to be set to "yes" (defaults to usual
    setting of "without-password").

    [os] replace some variables in template files with their "@" versions.

    [syslog::tls] Restructure code to support Puppet 3's scoping
    rules.  The change required means that existing manifests that use
    the base::syslog::tls resource will need to add the
    base::syslog::tls_ca_cert resource.

    [cron] replace "operatingsystem" with "@operatingsystem" in
    crontab.erb. (adamhl)

release/004.003 (2014-11-06)

    [puppetclient] Only put the database account credentials in
    /etc/puppet/puppet.conf for the (old) Puppet 2.x servers. (adamhl)

    [puppetclient] Update the check-puppet hourly cron job for
    Puppet 3. (adamhl)

Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed
    [puppetclient] Have filter-syslog ignore a new innocuous message from
    puppet-agent. (adamhl)

    [wallet] Change file permissions to 4-digit string, refactor, and fix
    puppet-lint warnings for base::wallet.

    [os] Update sources files to support jessie. (whm)

release/004.002 (2014-10-20)

    [puppetclient] Break out some classes into their own files; redefine
    puppetclass::dev to point to the Puppet 3 development
    servers. (adamhl)

release/004.001 (2014-10-14)

    The Great Hyphen Hunt. Change hyphens in class names to underscores.

Darren Patterson's avatar
Darren Patterson committed
release/003.037 (unreleased)

    Switch os curl package to include packages::curl to avoid duplicate
    definition.  (darrenp1)

    [puppetclient] Add puppetservice* servers to list of servers that can
    download Puppet DB credentials. Add a new ACL to auth.conf that was
    introduced in Puppet 3. (adamhl)

    [puppetclient] Add new class base::puppetclient::puppetlabs_repo that
    makes the Puppet Labs Debian repository available. (adamhl)

    [apt_key] Move apt_key from a local module into base. (adamhl)
Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed
release/003.036 (2014-09-10)

    Use jimhenson1 for the Puppetmaster in /etc/puppet/puppet.conf for the
    new Puppet servers puppetservice*. (adamhl)

release/003.035 (2014-09-10)

    Filter out some innocuous rsyslog messages from the syslog. (adamhl)

Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed
release/003.034 (2014-09-05)

    Use jimhenson1 for the Puppetmaster in /etc/puppet/puppet.conf for the
Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed
    new Puppet servers puppetdb* and puppetrepo*. (adamhl)
Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed

Bill MacAllister's avatar
Bill MacAllister committed
release/003.033 (2014-08-31)

Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed
    Add base::noipmi.  This allows "odd" machines to suppress loading ipmi
Bill MacAllister's avatar
Bill MacAllister committed
    support and running the exec that disables cipher zero.  (whm)

release/003.032 (2014-08-27)

    Remove yuelu from filter syslog exceptions.  (whm)

release/003.032 (2014-08-22)

Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed
    Update the backports preferences file to pull the perl remctl
    support from backports.  The newer module is required by the
    latest stanford-server package.  (whm)

release/003.031 (2014-07-04)
    Change the work directory used by rsyslog for disk queues to match
    Change the queue.MaxFileSize to 100m to override the default of 1m
    in the default and ldap rsyslog fragments.  This will prevent the
    creation of many small files when the syslog server is
    unreachable.  (whm)

Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed
    Create /etc/facter/facts.d in puppetclient.  This is the default
    /etc directory for external facts on both Debian and RHEL.
release/003.030 (2014-07-07)
    Fix for IPMI on kernels >= 3.13.  (darrenp1)

    On each Puppet run on a system that enables Puppet, check if cipher
    zero is enabled and disable it if so.  (rra)
    Update ssh filter-syslog rules for current staff members.  (rra)

    Set the queue.TimeoutEnqueue parameter to zero for LDAP, TLS, and
    default rsyslog fragments.  Reformat the fragments for
    readability.  (whm)

release/003.029 (2014-06-17)
    Correct path new for RELP module fragment in
    base::syslog::tls_support. (whm)

release/003.028 (2014-06-17)

    Fix filter-syslog rules for rsyslog to ignore restart messages. (rra)

    Update ssh filter-syslog rules for current staff members and add
    another failed login pattern.  (rra)

    Add the squeeze-lts distribution to sources.list for squeeze systems.
    This is the long-term support archive, which provides extended
    security support.  (rra)
    Adjust highWater marking settings for remote rsyslog queues based
    on suggestions from rsyslog start messages. (whm)

    Add base::syslog::tls to support TLS/RELP connections between
    an rsyslog client and an rsyslog server. (whm)
release/003.027 (2014-05-23)

    Update the v5 rsyslog default to remove depreciated warnings on
    v7 systems.  (whm)

release/003.026 (2014-05-19)

    Change the default rsyslog configuration to assume v7 syntax.

    Update comments in remctl and ssh modules.  (rra)

release/003.025 (2014-05-12)

    Change the default transport for rsyslog v5 remote syslog message
    delivery to UDP.  This will result in message loss when the remote
    syslog server is unavailable, but it avoids the complexities of
    the v5 queue configuration.  (whm)

    Backout one of the boolean changes because the original test
release/003.023 (2014-05-07)

    Change handling of use_ parameters in rsyslog.pp to handle the
    cases where booleans must be tested as strings.  (whm from Darren)

release/003.022 (2014-05-05)
    Removed smtp-bypass iptable fragments. Move it to s_emailrouter
    Change the handling of the use_syslog_conf variable in the
    rsyslog.conf.erb template to allow the variable to be either a
    string or a boolean.  This works around a problem with puppet's
    handling of booleans in some situations.  (whm)
    Clean up puppet client ERB file to better handle servers like
    frankoz2-new. (adamhl)

    Ignore another new variation on ssh logs from wheezy.  (rra)

    Add dependencies in base::postfix::recipient on the postfix package so
    that the required directory structure will exist.  (rra)

    Remove base::kerberos filter-syslog rules.  These only had rules for
    ksu, which we no longer use, so they're now pointless.  (rra)

    Coding style cleanup for base::syslog::fragment, using the newer
    method for handling defines that should take both source and content.

    Added web-aws rule to block non-root user to access metadata URL.

    Default to the backports version of facter on wheezy systems to pick
    up the fix for detecting Xen VMs.  (rra)

    Modify the default rsyslog configuration for V7 servers.  The new
    configuration creates a separate queues for writing to the local
    disk and sending to the remote syslog server.  This prevents
    messages from being lost when the central server is down and
    allows writing to local disk to continue.  (whm)

release/003.021 (2014-03-11)

    Fix cron issues on RHEL. (darrenp1)

release/003.020 (2014-03-05)
Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed

    Remove class that used lsdb-dev for dev Puppet CA (should have been
    removed a long time ago). (adamhl)

release/003.019 (2014-02-27)
Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed

    fix typo in reolv.conf.erb. This changes only affect some
release/003.018 (2014-02-24)

    Set the default behavior for rsyslog to forward /etc/messages to
    the central syslog service, i.e.  (whm)

release/003.017 (2014-02-24)

Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed
    Correct rsyslog v7 template.  The template fix removes an
    extra space that is causing problem for filter syslog parsing.
Adam Lewenberg's avatar
Adam Lewenberg committed
    This change also reverts the default behavior of forwarding
    syslog to the logsink servers. (whm)
release/003.016 (2014-02-19)

    Added a new xinetd configuration file: stunnel. (adamhl)

release/003.015 (2014-02-17)

    Change the default rsyslog configuration to forward syslog
    messages to the central syslog server in addition to writing
    them locally.  Change the date format for syslog to RFC 3399

release/003.014 (2014-02-12)

    Correct double variable reference in base::dns::dr-cache.  (whm)
release/003.013 (2014-02-12)

    Fix cut and past error in defining base::dns::dr-cache.  (whm)

release/003.012 (2014-02-12)

    Fix doubly defined class and add missing in the dns support
    used by Livermore servers.  (whm)

release/003.011 (2014-02-12)

    Fix syntax error specification of preferences file for rsyslog.

release/003.010 (2014-02-11)

    Add an apt preferences file to use the rsyslog version from
    backports.  Remove preferences installation from the syslog
release/03.009 (2014-02-10)

   add code to generate different resolv.conf for DNS servers. (meeilee)

release/003.008 (2014-02-05)
    Update comment documentation in base::pam::workgroup.  Remove
    unused parameter and variables.  (whm)

    Correct variable used to identified the syslog server to send
    output to in base::syslog::fragment.  (whm)

    Re-enable usage of DNS server at Livermore. (whm)

    Disable usage of DNS server at Livermore until the server is
release/003.006 (2014-01-21)

    Correct template for rsyslog forwarding using v7 syntax.  (whm)

release/003.005 (2014-01-20)
    Lowercase the hostname when forming a Kerberos principal in the
    out-of-date cron job.  Some Networking systems use .Stanford.EDU in
    the official hostname.  (rra)
    Ignore more buggy power limit notifications from new Dell hardware.
    Several cases were missed in the previous change.  (rra)

    Fix for Ubuntu portmap / rpcbind service name.  (darrenp1)
    Update ntp.conf with IPv6 options.  (darrenp1)
    Update syslog support to allow transition to new configuration policy
    of putting all templates and output specifications in the rsyslog.d
    fragments directory.  (whm)

    Globally disable monlist in all the ntp.conf variations to protect
    against use of monlist to launch UDP-based DoS attacks.  This was
    probably already prevented by firewall rules, but may as well make
    sure.  (rra)
release/003.004 (2013-12-03)

    Recognize Amazon EC2 instances as virtual for the purposes of not
    installing the IPMI kernel module.  (sfeng)

release/003.003 (2013-12-02)
    Remove the temp work file in the dell-warranty-facts cronjob.
    Ignore buggy CPU core power limit notifications from new Dell
    hardware in default Debian filter-syslog rules.  (rra)

release/003.002 (2013-11-24)
    Make it simpler to override the default rsyslog behaviour.  Change
    the name of the default rsyslog fragment.  Add a default fragment for
    remote logging.  Correct path references to common syslog fragment
    templates.  (whm)