- Aug 28, 2013
Adam Lewenberg authored
Two versions of puppet dev config one for puppetca-dev and one for lsdb-dev (this is for testing the PuppetCA migration to frankoz1).
- Aug 13, 2013
Adam Lewenberg authored
If no ListenAddress directives are specified, then sshd will list for incoming connections at all addresses. You can alter this by specifying the listen_addresses parameter. For example: listen_addresses => ','
- Aug 08, 2013
Meei You Lee authored
- Jul 30, 2013
Adam Lewenberg authored
frankoz-dev is now frankoz1-dev and frankoz2-dev, so had to modify the puppetclient db credentials class to account for this.
- Jul 14, 2013
Russ Allbery authored
base::remctl no longer installs remctl-client. This is going to be handled by the stanford-server-packages metapackage, and is independent of what's set up by this module.
Russ Allbery authored
Make this dependency explicit.
Russ Allbery authored
The acceptable runtime for tmpreaper (used by base::tmpclean on Debian and Ubuntu) has been extended to 20 minutes globally, and the base::tmpclean::longer class, which existed only to do that, has been removed as unnecessary. The longer runtime limit should not pose a problem on any system. Clean up formatting and comments for installed files and Puppet manifests.
Russ Allbery authored
base::daemontools::supervise now uses current coding standards and no longer special-cases various default options to some of its parameters.
Russ Allbery authored
Reindent for our current indentation standards, and fix the examples to use the correct URLs with the /modules component.
- Jul 13, 2013
Russ Allbery authored
The static crontab files installed by base::cron have been replaced with a template to handle differences between Red Hat and Debian. The periodic cron jobs no longer even attempt to use anacron, avoiding any problems with unpredictable cron run times if anacron is installed on the system.
Russ Allbery authored
base::ssh::rc has been deleted. This isn't part of any base::ssh inheritance tree and can live only in the Research Computing Puppet Git repository.
Russ Allbery authored
base::cron::filter-user-noise has been deleted. This was specific to Research Computing systems and should be handled in that local repository.
- Jul 10, 2013
Russ Allbery authored
The deprecated classes base::newsyslog::messages::sa and base::newsyslog::messages::sa::override have been deleted. Global overrides for the default base::newsyslog behavior should be put into the local defaults module instead.
- Jul 09, 2013
Russ Allbery authored
The ::override subclass was also using the class variable.
Russ Allbery authored
A refactoring of base::newsyslog removed a variable that it was assuming was set.
Russ Allbery authored
These classes all need to inherit from each other or the include methods we use don't work properly. Recreate the inheritance structure and use overrides to change the resolv.conf parameters. Also fix a few coding style issues.
- Jul 08, 2013
Bill MacAllister authored
In addition to adding the anycast DNS servers the individual resolv.conf files are replaced with a single template. The existing class interfaces are preserved and they all create the appropriate resolv.conf file by invoking the define that handles the small number of resolv.conf variants.
- Jul 02, 2013
Russ Allbery authored
Fix support for analyze_logs, which wasn't working due to the immutable variable problems with how Puppet uses ERB. Restructure the template to not precalculate the results, group lines for a particular log together, and format everything a bit better.
Russ Allbery authored
Also remove the old one for right now until the mistake is purged everywhere.
Russ Allbery authored
newsyslog no longer sets up a weekly command to tar up /root/.history-save and removes /etc/newsyslog.weekly/audit if it exists. We're no longer using per-user history files and we're letting bash handle managing the length of the history file. newsyslog now creates btmp and wtmp writable by group utmp, matching the operating system defaults. newsyslog no longer attempts to clean up sysklogd cron jobs or remove the old /etc/newsyslog.daily/syslog file installed by ancient versions of stanford-server. General coding style cleanup.
Russ Allbery authored
newsyslog::config now supports a new analyze_logs parameter, which specifies the list of logs to run through the analyze action (when different than the list in logs). analyze_logs defaults to logs if not given. Also update the coding style, simplify the define drastically, and clean up indentation and comments.
- Jun 27, 2013
Russ Allbery authored
Remove out-of-date::server. This is only used on a single host, so all of the files and Puppet manifest have been moved to the Puppet model for that server.
- Jun 25, 2013
Russ Allbery authored
We've switched completely to Kerberized ssh and no longer install Kerberos rlogin or rsh.
- May 28, 2013
Adam Lewenberg authored
- May 10, 2013
Adam Lewenberg authored
cherry-picked from the master branch by adamhl
Adam Lewenberg authored
- Apr 30, 2013
Adam Lewenberg authored
This is the (old) master branch along with the fixes to the cron file permissions that Russ made.