# designer_interface.tcl
# The designer_interface.tcl file is the first script run by PT (see the
# top of pt.tcl). It is the interface that connects the scripts with
# the following:
# - ASIC design kit
# - Build system variables
# Author : Christopher Torng
# Date : May 20, 2019
# Interface to the ASIC design kit
set pt_additional_search_path inputs/adk
set pt_target_libraries inputs/adk/stdcells.db
set pt_extra_link_libraries [lsort [glob -nocomplain inputs/*.db]]
# Interface to the build system
set pt_design_name $::env(design_name)
set pt_gl_netlist [lsort [glob -nocomplain inputs/*.vcs.v]]
set pt_sdc [lsort [glob -nocomplain inputs/*.pt.sdc]]
set pt_spef [lsort [glob -nocomplain inputs/*.spef.gz]]
puts "done"