Directories: - noaoi : holds results that were generated by running InVEST Wind Energy v3.3.0a1.post37+ne6f9ea2c480b with no AOI selected on the installer's sample default data. - nodistances : holds results that were generated by running InVEST Wind Energy v3.3.0a1.post37+ne6f9ea2c480b with AOI, Land Polygon, but NO distances on the installer's sample default data. - nolandpoly : holds results that were generated by running InVEST Wind Energy v3.3.0a1.post37+ne6f9ea2c480b with AOI, but NO Land Polygon on the installer's sample default data. - novaluation : holds results that were generated by running InVEST Wind Energy v3.3.0a1.post37+ne6f9ea2c480b with AOI, Land Polygon, Distances, but No Valuation on the installer's sample default data. - pricetable : holds results that were generated by running InVEST Wind Energy v3.3.0a1.post37+ne6f9ea2c480b Valuation component using a Price Table on the installer's sample default data. - pricetablegridpts : holds results that were generated by running InVEST Wind Energy v3.3.0a1.post37+ne6f9ea2c480b Valuation component using a Price Table and Grid Points on the installer's sample default data. - priceval : holds results that were generated by running InVEST Wind Energy v3.3.0a1.post37+ne6f9ea2c480b Valuation component using a Price Value on the installer's sample default data. - pricevalgridpts : holds results that were generated by running InVEST Wind Energy v3.3.0a1.post37+ne6f9ea2c480b Valuation component using a Price Value and Grid Points on the installer's sample default data. - smoke : holds very simple sample data created by using QGIS to clip InVEST sample data to a smaller AOI. This data has no numerical importance, but is used as a means to have the model run completely so that the suffix parameter can be tested. Files: - grid_land_pts.csv : this file is used as the grid points input in the 'test_val_land_grid_points' regression test. It was created by copying the grid points file 'NE_sub_pts.csv' from the InVEST Wind Energy sample data. It was then modified by duplicating all the lines, but labelling them as LAND type. This allows for testing functionality of the model but since the points GRID and LAND have the same coordinates, distances should be zero, so we also know what to expect for results. - small_aoi.* : this shapefile is used for regression testing when a hub height is 100m. It's meant to encapsulate 3 wind data points for a quick run to ensure results are as expected. - dem_139.tif : this raster file is used for regression testing when a hub height is 100m. All pixels are set to -139m so that we can be sure of results based on other model runs with the same depth.
git-svn-id: svn:// a1e471e8-3ae1-4eeb-aa86-f41caf2650e8