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  • test-on-changing-data
  • test-on-removing-ndr-datasets
  • test-on-removing-wave-energy-datasets
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.022Feb15141312729Jan2415920Dec141312619Nov169226Oct251827Sep13106531Aug30292827242322201715141323Jul2023Jun221831May3013Feb29Jan10926Nov13Sep24Aug1727Jun5116May6Apr528Mar4Feb19Jan11Nov320Oct12116528Sep272220161513129873122Jul1330Jun2927221814732May10Mar325Feb85432126Jan22201986418Dec15218Nov17131211925Sepremove some wave energy datasetstest-on-removin…test-on-removing-wave-energy-datasetsremove ndr datasetstest-on-removin…test-on-removing-ndr-datasetsMerge branch 'test-on-changing-data' into 'master'mastermastertest on changing datasetstest-on-changin…test-on-changing-dataadd invest-test-data/ as LFS fileadd Git LFS and invest-test-data to the repoInitial commitsimplify rec test data, including bonfish and DEM, and update the subsequent outputs so the tests run faster. #3847remove all unused data from repo to reduce Jenkins test runtime. #3847update grid and land point vectors in wave energy for taskgraph refactor. #3846update HRA sample datasets to match the new model outputs. see #3843removing a bunch of unused datasets.major updates to recreation test data corresponding with taskgraph refactor.properly reverting a rec test data file.reverting a file to get Rec tests passing again.Removing deprecated routedem folder.A model bugfix caused these results to change. And the new name is more accurate for the file's contents.deprecating scenario_gen_rule_based.added a watershed entirely over nodata raster values to cover that edge case.vector output values changed due to change in option to ignore nodata when doing zonal stats.updated expected file lists since output files are re-organized, mainly due to adding taskgraph to the model.deleting unused globio test data.added an extra column to lulc raster to test the case when input rasters don't all have the same dimensions.added an AOI polygon outside raster bounds.updates to expected results datasets as a consequence of upgrading to pygeoprocessing 1.4.xadded missing data to this expected results tableadd land cover raster with unequal pixel size to Pollination folder. see #3817adding a non-square DEM for testing non-square error handlingadding more expected results tables for crop production tests - now result_table.csv and aggregate_results.csv have expected tables for both models.update wind energy data for rasters with rectangular pixel size. see #3817added updated wave energy data. see #3806updated all hydropwer csv outputs because their column order changed during the taskgraph refactor. Now the column order matches that of the corresponding shapefile.modify wave energy test datasets to conform to the refactored model. see #3806updating hydropower subwatersheds results because a refactor of that model includes reporting some additional variables at the subwatershed level which were previously only calculated for watersheds.updating crop production result tables so they use FID instead of idmodified wind_energy_points.shp since there's a very slight difference in the x, y coords after geotransformation was made to the points. see #3804modified wind energy test data since min and max depths should not be nodata. see #3804modified test datasets for wind energy since the max_depth was changed from 60 to 180m. see #3804updated test datasets for wind energy model because the output data are projected to UTM zones if AOI is specified. see #3804uploaded svn test datasets for fisheries test. see #3797.