Adam Lewenberg authoredAdam Lewenberg authored
lbcd.pp 640 B
# Setup lbcd for LDAP servers (LBDNS)
class su_ldap::lbcd (
Enum['present', 'absent'] $ensure,
) inherits lbcd {
if ($ensure == 'present') {
Lbcd::Default['/etc/default/lbcd'] {
ensure => present,
daemon_opts => '-c /usr/bin/lb-slapd',
# Don't start lbcd if we aren't starting ldap. And don't start lbcd
# if we don't want the server to take queries.
Service['lbcd'] {
ensure => running,
status => 'test -f /etc/noldap || test -f /etc/nolbcd || pidof lbcd'
} else {
Lbcd::Default['/etc/default/lbcd'] {
ensure => 'absent',