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# The ldap-wg-maint service.
# The ldap-wg-maint service looks at the suSeasLocal attribute and, based
# on its value, updates one of the itservices e-mail workgroups in
# Workgroup Manager.
# See also
# NOTE: Normally installed only on prod and UAT.

class su_ldap::sync_scripts::ldap_wg_maint (
  $ticket_file_path = $ticket_file_path,
  $ldap_master_fqdn = $ldap_master_fqdn,
Linda J Laubenheimer's avatar
Linda J Laubenheimer committed
  $env          = undef,

  # Do we want the service to be running or stopped?
  if ($ensure == 'present') {
    $service_status = 'running'
  } elsif ($ensure == 'absent') {
    $service_status = 'stopped'
  } else {
    fail("ensure must be one 'present' or 'absent'")

  #include s_ldap::base::ldap_admin

  # (Note: $wg_host is used in a template file.)
  if ($env == 'prod') {
    $wg_wallet = 'ssl-key/'
    $wg_cert   = ''
    $wg_host   = ''
  } else {
    $wg_wallet = 'ssl-key/'
    $wg_cert   = ''
    $wg_host   = ''

  ## Workgroup API credentials
  # Credential for connection to the workgroup api web service
  base::wallet { $wg_wallet:
    path => "/etc/ssl/private/${wg_cert}.key",
    type => 'file',
  file { "/etc/ssl/certs/${wg_cert}.pem":
    ensure => present,
    source => "puppet:///modules/su_ldap/etc/ssl/certs/${wg_cert}.pem",

  ## Configuration file
  file { '/etc/ldapadmin/ldap-wg-maint.conf':
    ensure  => present,
    content => template('su_ldap/etc/ldapadmin/ldap-wg-maint.conf.erb'),
  # moved up to sync_scripts.pp
  #include s_ldap::base::systemd
  # We want to reload the systemd daemon on any change to the unit
  # file. We use the base::systemd shared library's systemd-daemon-reload
  # to do this.
  file { '/lib/systemd/system/ldap-wg-maint.service':
    ensure => present,
    content => template('su_ldap/lib/systemd/system/ldap-wg-maint.service'),
    mode   => '0644',
    notify => Exec['systemd-daemon-reload']

  service { 'ldap-wg-maint':
    ensure  => $service_status,
    require => [

  ## Cron job
  file { '/etc/cron.d/ldap-wg-maint':
    ensure => $ensure,
    source => 'puppet:///modules/su_ldap/etc/cron.d/ldap-wg-maint',
    require => File['/etc/ldapadmin/ldap-wg-maint.conf'],
