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1.5.10 (April 16, 2020)

Bug-fix release in the 1.5.x series.

This release fixes a bug for **phase-difference fieldmaps that are not in RAS+ orientation**.
The bug presented as an error if the orientation was reordered relative to RAS+ (for example,
AIL+) and the swapped dimensions were not of the same size.
Otherwise, the bug introduced a poor masking of the phase difference map, and could be quite subtle
if the original orientation was LAS+.
Runs of fMRIPrep that used other susceptibility distortion correction (SDC) methods are not
currently considered problematic.

This bug affects all previous versions of fMRIPrep, as well as versions 20.0.0-20.0.5.

* FIX: Do not reorient magnitude images (nipreps/sdcflows#98)