# The su_debuild Puppet module
## Overview
The `su_debuild` Puppet classes will set up a complete Debian build
systems on your Debian server. This includes chroots to allow for the use
of `pbuilder` and gbp buildpackage`.
## Distributions supported
The following Debian distributions are supported:
* wheezy
* jessie
* stretch
* buster
The following Ubuntu distributions are supported:
* trusty
* xenial
* bionic
## Installing the necessary packages
If all you need are the packages and not the chroot environments, you do this:
include su_debian
Note that this will allow you to run most of the Debian packaging commands
including `dpkg-buildpackage` but not any of the commands that require a
## Installing chroot environments
To install chroot environments use the `su_debuild::chroots` class. For
example, the following will setup the necessary packages and install
chroot environments for Debian `sid`, `stretch`, `jessie`, and Ubuntu
include su_debuild
class { 'su_debuild::chroots':
chroots => [ 'sid', 'stretch', 'jessie', 'bionic']
The above also installs a daily cron job to update the chroots.
## Using sudo
In order to run `pbuilder` as a non-root user you need to add the
following line to `/etc/sudoers`:
%root ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/cowbuilder
The `su_debuild` module provides a convenience class to do this,
[`su_debuild::sudo`](manifests/sudo.pp). Here is how you can install all
the packages, chroots, and set up sudo:
include su_debuild
include su_debuild::sudo
class { 'su_debuild::chroots':
chroots => [ 'sid', 'stretch', 'jessie', 'bionic']