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init.pp 8.52 KiB
# Handles an Oracle database system.  All of our Oracle databases are run
# essentially the same way and this module contains all the standard bits.

# TODO: parameterized class for Oracle versions (10 and 11).
class oracledb {
    # TODO: change to include each individual class, no commas
    include compatlibs,

    # TODO: since this is only RH specific, just fail on non-RH instead of large case statement.
    case $operatingsystem {
        'redhat': {
            case $lsbmajdistrelease {
                # rhel4 only required packages
                # need to add openmotif .
                '4': {
                    # TODO: switch to array of packages
                    package {
                        'glibc-kernheaders':        ensure => present;
                        'gnome-libs':               ensure => present;
                        'openmotif21':              ensure => present;
                        'pdksh':                    ensure => present;
                        'xorg-x11-deprecated-libs': ensure => present;
                        'xscreensaver':             ensure => present;
                    # TODO: verify <name>.ARCH doesn't work on RHEL4 with puppet now
                    # install i386 RPM
                    exec {
                        ' oracle 64 bit server required compat-db':
                            command => 'up2date --arch=i386 compat-db',
                            unless  => "rpm -q --qf \"%{ARCH}\n\" compat-db | grep -q i386";
                        'oracle 64bit server required glibc-devel':
                            command => 'up2date --arch=i386 glibc-devel',
                            unless  => "rpm -q --qf \"%{ARCH}\n\" glibc-devel | grep -q i386";
                        'oracle 64bit server required libaio':
                            command => 'up2date --arch=i386 libaio',
                            unless  => "rpm -q --qf \"%{ARCH}\n\" libaio | grep -q i386";
                    # TODO: verify this is needed on all RHEL versions - might not be needed on RHEL5/6
                    # TODO: verify this should be different than RHEL5/6 - goal: unify
                    base::sysctl { "net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range":  ensure  => "1024 65000" }
                    # Override limits.conf to increase stack size and nofiles.
                    file { '/etc/security/limits.conf':
                        source => $architecture ? {
                            'x86_64' => "puppet:///oracledb/etc/limits.conf.$architecture",
                             default  => 'puppet:///oracledb/etc/limits.conf',
                ## this is for rhel5
                '5': { 
                    include oracledb::rhel5
                    file {'/etc/security/limits.conf':  
                        source =>  "puppet:///oracledb/etc/limits.conf.rhel5"
                    base::sysctl { "net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range":  ensure  => "9000 65500" } 

    base::sysctl {
        'kernel.shmmax':                ensure => '4294967295';
        'kernel.sem':                   ensure => '250 32000 100 128';
        'kernel.shmall':                ensure => '2097152';
        'kernel.shmmni':                ensure => '4096';
        'fs.file-max':                  ensure => '65536';
#       'net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range': ensure => '1024 65000';
        'net.core.rmem_default':        ensure => '262144';
        'net.core.rmem_max':            ensure => '262144';
        'net.core.wmem_default':        ensure => '262144';
        'net.core.wmem_max':            ensure => '262144';

    # Drop in iptables rules to allow connections in to the listeners
    #iptables::fragment { 'oracle-listeners': ensure => present }
    base::iptables::rule { 'oracle-listeners':
      protocol => 'tcp',
      source   => [ '',
      port     => ['1533','1534','1535','1568','1542'],
    # init script and filter-syslog rules for oracle
    file {
            source => 'puppet:///oracledb/oracle.init',
            mode   => 755,
            notify => Exec['chkconfig oracle'];
            source => 'puppet:///oracledb/filter-syslog';
    # TODO: use service - don't ensure running, just enabled
    exec { 'chkconfig oracle':
        command     => 'chkconfig --add oracle',
        refreshonly => true,

    # TODO: Cleanup leftover bits

    # Override limits.conf to increase stack size and nofiles.
    #file { '/etc/security/limits.conf':
    #    source => $architecture ? {
    #        'x86_64' => "puppet:///oracledb/etc/limits.conf.$architecture",
    #        default  => 'puppet:///oracledb/etc/limits.conf',
    #    }

# TODO: separate out into own file because:
# - it doesn't inherit/override from another class
# - and it is used outside this one class (well, not true here)
# - or if it is longer than ~10 lines
# It is all about logical separation.  
# Is it easier to understand if you separate it into another file?

class oracledb::packages {
    # TODO: convert to array of packages
    package {
        'binutils':                 ensure => present;
        'control-center':           ensure => present;
        'gcc':                      ensure => present;
        'gcc-c++':                  ensure => present;
        'glibc':                    ensure => present;
        'glibc-common':             ensure => present;
        'glibc-devel':              ensure => present;
        'glibc-headers':            ensure => present;
        'libgcc':                   ensure => present;
        'libaio':                   ensure => present;
        'make':                     ensure => present;
#        'pdksh':                    ensure => present;
        'sysstat':                  ensure => present;
#        'stanford-TDPO':            ensure => present;
#        'TDP-Oracle':               ensure => present;
#        'TDP-Oracle.Utility':       ensure => present;
        'xorg-x11-xauth':           ensure => present;
## tpdo rpms exist in rhel4 and rhel5. Need to create 64bits tdpo rpms for rhel6
## install tdpo by hand in rhel6 
    case  $lsbmajdistrelease  {
      "4","5" : {
        package { [
          ensure => present,
      # rhel6 will give you an error if tdp BIN file not installed
      default: {
        exec { 'check el6 tdp bin installed':
          command => 'echo TDP is not installed! Install it by hand from \
          unless  => 'ls /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/properties/version/TSM_Data_Protection_Oracle.cmptag',
# TODO: separate file for this class
# TODO: use array for files
class oracledb::directories {
   # additional directories usually needed
    file {
            ensure => directory,
            owner  => 'oracle',
            group  => 'dba',
            mode   => 770;
            ensure => directory,
            owner  => 'oracle',
            group  => 'dba',
            mode   => 770;
            ensure => directory,
            owner  => 'oracle',
            group  => 'dba',
            mode   => 770;
            ensure => directory,
            owner  => 'oracle',
            group  => 'dba',
            mode   => 770

# TODO: separate out to another file
class oracledb::oracleusers {
    include oracledb::ntirety
# Standard sudoers file for Oracle DBAs.
    # TODO: long term strategy is to use /etc/sudoers.d fragments 
    base::textline {
        '%dba    ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/dsmc q se':
            ensure       => "/etc/sudoers";
        'oracle  ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/tdpoconf PassWord *': 
            escaped_name => 'oracle  ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/tdpoconf PassWord \*',
            ensure       => "/etc/sudoers"; 

    k5login {
            purge      => true,
            principals => $oracledb::ntirety::ntiretyusers,