release/001.002 (unreleased)
Remove out-of-date::server. This is only used on a single host, so
all of the files and Puppet manifest have been moved to the Puppet
model for that server.
release/001.001 (2013-06-25)
Drop installation of stanford-klogin from base::os::debian. We've
switched completely to Kerberized ssh and no longer install Kerberos
rlogin or rsh, so no need for the clients.
release/001.000 (2013-06-22)
Enable the security and updates repositories for wheezy now that
wheezy has been released.
For Red Hat systems, switch to using the VMware tools packages and
install the necessary yum configuration.
Add filter-syslog rules for new remctl error messages and another sshd
error message from terminated network connections.
Add base::portmap.