# General configuration of the basic operating system. Nearly everything
# here is specific to the version of Linux we're running and is handled by
# the appropriate separate class.
class base::os {
base::os::motd { '/etc/motd':
ensure => present,
template => 'base/os/motd.erb',
case $::operatingsystem {
'debian': { include base::os::debian }
'ubuntu': { include base::os::ubuntu }
'redhat': { include base::os::redhat }
# Get warranty expiration facts for Dell hardware.
if ($::manufacturer =~ /Dell/) {
file {
source => 'puppet:///modules/base/os/etc/cron.d/dell-warranty-facts';
ensure => present;
ensure => present;
package { 'curl': ensure => installed }
# Generate an iptables fact for the firewall team to query.
file { '/var/lib/puppet/sufact/su_iptables':
ensure => $operatingsystem ? {
redhat => '/etc/sysconfig/iptables',
default => '/etc/iptables/general',