# Write syslog messages to the normal places locally
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# rsyslog Queue Parameters
# name - is a descriptive identifier for the queue. It is not
# requires but should be specified for every queue. The name
# appears in pstats displays.
# queue.Type - the type of queue. For local disk output only direct
# makes sense. For remote queues LinkedList or FixedArray
# should be specified which creates an in memory queue. If
# queue.FileName is also specified a Disk Assisted queue is
# created. Disk queues require the directive $WorkDirectory be
# specified.
# queue.FileName - name creates a disk assisted queue. Messages will
# be held in memory until the high water mark is hit. Disk
# queues require the directive $WorkDirectory be specified.
# This name needs to be unique in the rsyslog configuation.
# queue.size - is the total number of messages that can be in the
# queue. Figuring 512 bytes/message then 10^6 messages are
# about 500 mbytes. When a queue is a disk assisted queue this
# number affects only the in memory queue.
# queue.HighWaterMark - is the number of messages in the queue before
# rsyslog starts writing to disk.
# queue.LogWaterMark - is the number of messages in the queue when
# rsyslog stop writing messages to disk.
# queue.WorkerMinimumMessages - is the number of in the queue before
# rsyslog starts a new thread. New threads are started each
# time a multiple of this value is reached. This is documented
# on the rsyslog website, but appears to be a newer feature not
# available in v5.
# queue.WorkerThreads - is the maximum number of threads.
# queue.WorkerTimeoutThreadShutdown - is the number of milliseconds
# before an idle thread shutdown. This is documented on the
# rsyslog website, but appears to be a newer feature not
# available in v7.
# queue.TimeoutEnqueue - is the number of milliseconds before rsyslog
# starts discarding messages when there is not space available
# for new messages.
# action.ResumeRetryCount - is the number of retries before giving up
# on queued messages. To retry forever set this value to "-1".
# The default is zero which just deletes messages that cannot
# be dequeued.
*.emerg action(type = "omusrmsg"
name = "emerg"
users = "root")
*.debug action(type = "omfile"
name = "defaultLocal"
file = "/var/log/messages"
template = "FileFormat")
*.debug action(type = "omfwd"
name = "defaultRemote"
Target = "<%= syslog_server %>"
Port = "10514"
Protocol = "tcp"
queue.Type = "LinkedList"
queue.FileName = "defaultRemote"
queue.size = "4000000"
queue.HighWaterMark = "3000000"
queue.LowWaterMark = "10000"
queue.MaxDiskSpace = "2g"
queue.WorkerThreads = "10"
queue.TimeoutEnqueue = "0"
action.ResumeRetryCount = "-1"
template = "ForwardFormat")
*.err action(type = "omfile"
name = "err"
file = "/dev/console")