# Set up basic Kerberos configuration and allow logins via Kerberos rlogin and
# company.
class base::kerberos {
case $::operatingsystem {
'redhat': {
package { 'krb5-workstation': ensure => present }
'debian', 'ubuntu': {
# We intentionally don't do anything here currently since some systems
# use MIT and some use Heimdal. Eventually, this should be a
# parameterized class that says what type of Kerberos to install.
default: {
err("unsupported OS $::operatingsystem")
# Basic Kerberos configuration.
file { '/etc/krb5.conf':
source => 'puppet:///modules/base/kerberos/etc/krb5.conf',
class base::kerberos::dr inherits base::kerberos {
$drSite = 'yes'
File['/etc/krb5.conf'] {
source => undef,
content => template('base/kerberos/krb5.conf.erb')