Dev/loops ashley
i changed the format of the playlist JSON to support multiple playlists. start by comparing quicktest.json and quicktest2.json (previous format) with quicktest3.json (new format). quicktest3 is basically quicktest1 and quicktest2 combined together. load, start, and save seem to work using quicktest3. new recordings are now saving in the new format. stopping a recording automatically prompts the user to save, whereas the save button is now only for compiling/saving loaded playlists.
see remaining TODO items below.
this UI won't let me assign multiple reviewers >:(
- determine how to group a single playlist file containing more than one subplaylist for the purposes of rearranging in the UI
- how to loop over the entire playlist?
- reconsider our UI design? perhaps recording should only be supported when someone is DJing. Playback and playlist aggregation shouldn’t require somebody to be sitting there watching it happen.
- does the concept of resuming a recording after stopping make sense in practice? if so, maybe have a dedicated “record save” button
Edited by Ashley Chen