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Materials for Stanford's EE185 course, Interactive Light Sculpture Project.
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Xuan's original project found here (https://github.com/xuanyoya/Interstellar-CNN-scheduler), repo adapted for class.
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Xuan's original project found here (https://github.com/xuanyoya/Interstellar-CNN-scheduler), repo adapted for class.
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Xuan's original project found here (https://github.com/xuanyoya/Interstellar-CNN-scheduler), repo adapted for class.
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Materials for Stanford's EE185 course, Interactive Light Sculpture Project.
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Mark Benjamin / ShapeCH
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Materials for Stanford's EE185 course, Interactive Light Sculpture Project.
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William Eng / vsc-inventory
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Updated -
Materials for Stanford's EE185 course, Interactive Light Sculpture Project.
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MINT is a Python package that streamlines integration of multilayer networks for multimodal community detection (subtyping). MINT is comprised of several modules crafted to: standardize input data, execute Spectral Neighbor-joining Fusion (SNF) and Generalized Louvain (GenLouvain) algorithms, visualize intermediate results, perform cross-validation techniques, and optimize the identified communities by selecting an optimal combination of modalities that maximizes the silhouette score.
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