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research-computing / python-workgroup
Apache License 2.0Python library for Stanford Workgroup API
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The canonical location is https://github.com/sul-dlss/system-package-tracker.git, but this is pushed to code.stanford.edu regularly for campus visibility.
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Run "git-crypt unlock" with in-repo gpg key or a key file for the cloned repo and all submodules in the repo.
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Infrastructure As Code / cloud-framework
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Xu Wang / docker-examples
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Build scripts for base computational environment container for group. Container available from project container registry.
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Emerging Technology Puppet Modules / lamp
MIT LicensePuppet module to configure a LAMP image
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opensourcelab / BackdropCMS Stanford
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterUpdated -
Craft the hierarchical parenting json file needed by Nagios to determine interdependencies: https://assets.nagios.com/downloads/nagioscore/docs/nagioscore/3/en/networkreachability.html
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The collaborative 3-person Pictionary task is a multi-player version of the Pictionary game [1]. The goal of the task is to draw a verb independently and collectively for others to guess. Nine verbs were drawn over three runs. The drawing of each verb can be split into three phases: independent phase (two blocks), evaluation phase (one block), and the collaboration phase (three blocks). Each block lasted for 30s, and was separated by a fixation period jittering around 7-8s. Ref[1]: Xie, Hua, et al. "Finding the neural correlates of collaboration using a three-person fMRI hyperscanning paradigm." bioRxiv (2019): 782870.