Xueshan Feng authoredXueshan Feng authored
- Stanford OpenLDAP in Container
- Get and setup personal drone token
- Turn on the ci job defined in .drone.yml
- Update OpenLdap image
Stanford OpenLDAP in Container
This repository contains instructions on how to build and publish docker-openldap image to Google Container Registry.
This repository supports DroneCI.
Get and setup personal drone token
Drone CLI requires access token to authenticate to a drone server.
You can get your personal token, and save the token to ${HOME}/.drone-token file.
NOTE: Make sure you do not have newline at the end of the token file. You will get authentication failure.
Turn on the ci job defined in .drone.yml
NOTE: This will setup the hook for CI trigger. It needs to be done only once. You don't need to run this if it's been setup already.
$ make drone-setup
See .drone.yml for build steps and triggers.
Update OpenLdap image
To upgrade software version and base image, edit build.sh, env.sh to change OPENLDAP_VERSION
, and edit .drone.yml
to change tag.
If you make changes to the repository, you can test build manually. If the build is successful, then commit and push changes to the docker-openldap repository. It will trigger CI/CD to build and upload gcr.io/uit-authnz/openldap:latest image.
Manual push to Google container registry
# make build
$ make push
Updating PS cloud framework from Git into /Users/sfeng/bin/ps-cloud-framework...
VAULT SERVER: https://vault.stanford.edu
You are logged in VAULT and have permission to read from secret/projects/uit-authnz/*
Login Succeeded
Push gcr.io/uit-authnz/ldap:048d8295ebbd129086db9161b12b101eb685959e ...
The push refers to repository [gcr.io/uit-authnz/ldap]
a8eb0a957605: Pushed
188e99cd395e: Pushed
f819153fc68b: Pushed
d982fc324e3e: Pushed
4276ef46cf43: Pushed
96e57cd3c993: Layer already exists
240b0bdf7f50: Layer already exists
202b974c712a: Layer already exists
43a852aaa685: Layer already exists
latest: digest: sha256:e56efd42b560cffa77a588b0e9ecde71110ec74a6c101d7f53a838a587a460a1 size: 2402