@@ -18,21 +18,21 @@ Docker CE Edge installer comes with experimental features in Docker Engine enabl
Go [docker-for-mac Edge](https://download.docker.com/mac/edge/Docker.dmg) to install it. This tutorial is tested with Docker for Mac using Edge channel.
## Enable the Kubernetes cluster
Click the `Docker` icon in the status bar, go to `Preferences`, and on the `Kubernetes` tab, check *Enable Kubernetes*. This will start a single node Kubernetes cluster. This might take a while - have a cup of tea and wait for the Kubernetes cluster to be ready.
Docker for Mac Edge kubernetes integration installed `kubectl v.1.9` command in /usr/local/bin, which overrides what's installed in by brew. We need the latest `kubectl`
for some of the Kubernetes feature to work. Let's fix it and make sure `kubectl` version is 1.10.x:
$rm /usr/local/bin/kubectl
$brew reinstlal kubectl
$brew reinstall kubectl
$kubectl version -c
Flag shorthand -c has been deprecated, please use --client instead.
Click the `Docker` icon in the status bar, go to `Preferences`, and on the `Kubernetes` tab, check *Enable Kubernetes*. This will start a single node Kubernetes cluster. This might take a while - have a cup of tea and wait for the Kubernetes cluster to be ready.
## Install kubectl and kubectx
[Kubectl](https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubectl/overview/) is a Kubernetes cli to interact with kubernetes cluster. [kubectx](https://github.com/ahmetb/kubectx) helps you switch between clusters back and forth.