Type for a specific mapping point.
class MappingPoint(object):
Configurations of a specific mapping.
Mapping includes the complete description of the loop order and loop
blocking factors of each buffer level, loop partitioning onto each level of
parallel units, etc.
Each loop order and each set of loop blocking factors are corresponding to
each loop at all buffer levels, because it does not make much sense to block
more than once at a single buffer level.
Each set of loop partitioning factors is corresponding to number of parallelism of
each loop at all all levels.
Partition mode is the access mode in parallelism case.
0(default): access to next level of memory
1: access buffers in neighbor processing units
#LMEI other parallelism cases to be added
def __init__(self, loop_order_list, loop_blockings_list,
loop_partitionings_list, para_loop_dim_list=None):
# NOTE(mgao12): no value validation here; cost model needs to abandon
# invalid mapping.
self.loop_orders = loop_order_list
self.loop_blockings = loop_blockings_list
self.loop_partitionings = loop_partitionings_list
self.para_loop_dim = para_loop_dim_list
def loop_order(self, loop):
Loop order of the given loop.
Return a tuple of the order indices for the same loop at all buffer
levels, i.e., if a tuple for loop OX is returned, and the first
element of this tuple t[0] = 2, then loop OX is the third innermost
loop at the first buffer level.
Tuples are organized as the same order as loop enum order.
E.g., for a two-level memory hierarchy, each tuple contains two
elements, [(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 4), (3, 5), (4, 3), (5, 2), (6, 6)]
means for the first loop (FX = 0), at both levels FX is at the
innermost (tuple (0, 0)), etc.. I.e., it means a loop structure as:
for on
for oy
for ox
for oc
for ic
for fy
for fx
for on
for ic
for oc
for oy
for ox
for fy
for fx
return self.loop_orders[loop]
def loop_blocking(self, loop):
Loop blocking factors of the given loop.
Return a tuple of factors for the given loop at all buffer levels, from
inside level to outside level.
Tuples are organized as the same order as loop enum order.
E.g., [(4, 2), (8, 1), ...] means for the first loop (FX = 0), the
blocking factor is 4 for the innermost level, and 2 for the next level;
for the second loop (FY = 1), the blocking factor is 8 for the
innermost level, and 1 for the next level.
return self.loop_blockings[loop]
def loop_partitioning(self, loop):
Loop partitioning factors of the given loop.
Return a tuple of factors for the given loop at all buffer levels, from
inside level to outside level.
Tuples are organized as the same order as loop enum order.
E.g., [(4, 2), (8, 1), ...] means for the first loop (FX), it is