Files in this directory were generated by running InVEST seasonal water yield v3.3.0a1.post64+nfc4dbaeeec76 on the installer's sample default data. B.tif - default arguments only L.tif - default arguments only B_cz.tif - suffix == 'cz' and "Climate Zones" selected file_list_base.txt - list of files that should be in the workspace if defaults are selected file_list_user_recharge.txt - list of files that should be in the workspace if user defined recharge file_list_cz.txt - list of files that should be in the workspace if it is run with "climate zones" selected and suffix of "cz" agg_results_base.csv - the aggregate results from the specified shapefile; created with the `` script in this directory agg_results_cz.csv - the aggregate results from the specified shapefile; created with the `` script in this directory