diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
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--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+The Clear BSD License
+Copyright (c) [year] [fullname]
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted (subject to the limitations in the disclaimer
+below) provided that the following conditions are met:
+     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+     documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+     * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
+     contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
+     software without specific prior written permission.
diff --git a/ReadMe.txt b/ReadMe.txt
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/ReadMe.txt
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+System requirements:
+This software was made and tested on a desktop computer (Mac OS) running Matlab 2019+
+Installation guide:
+Just go the main folder in Matlab and run the tda_msc_rsfmri_runmapper.m file to run Mapper on the data and tda_msc_rsfmri_anamapper.m to generate results in the manuscript
+Within tda_msc_rsfmri_anamapper.m file, each cell can be independently run to generate individual figures
+Instruction for use:
+You can individually run each cell in the Matlab file tda_msc_rsfmri_anamapper.m
+The data can be downloaded from individual data websites as mentioned in the paper. 
+The work is covered under the BSD 3-Clause Clear License
+More information here - https://choosealicense.com/licenses/bsd-3-clause-clear/
+Please cite the following papers if you use this code:
+1. Saggar, M., Shine, J. M., Liegeois, Dosenbach, N.U.F., Fair, D. (under-review) Precision dynamical mapping using topological data analysis reveals a unique (hub-like) transition state at rest in highly sampled individuals. Nature Communications
+Preprint: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.08.05.455149v2 
+2. Geniesse, C., Sporns, O., Petri, G., Saggar, M. (2019). Generating dynamical neuroimaging spatiotemporal representations (DyNeuSR) using topological data analysis. Network Neuroscience. http://dx.doi.org/10.1162/netn_a_00093 
+3. Saggar, M., Sporns, O., Gonzalez-Castillo, J., Bandettini, P.A., Carlsson, G., Glover, G., Reiss, A.L. (2018) Towards a new approach to visualize and quantify brain's dynamical organization using topological data analysis. Nature Communications. http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41467-018-03664-4
+4. Saggar, Manish. "Systems and Methods for Mapping Neuronal Circuitry and Clinical Applications Thereof." U.S. Patent Application 16/171,255, filed April 25, 2019 
diff --git a/createPKNNG_bdl.m b/createPKNNG_bdl.m
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1d41dc7fb9cb51dbaf20d4cfe4233dd2eac28f89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/createPKNNG_bdl.m
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+% aim - to code neighborhood based filter function in Matlab
+% author - saggar@stanford.edu (7.11.2019)
+% output: knnGraph (as a table, binary and weighted versions)
+% inspired by the paper on penalized KNN graph in Baya & Granitto 2011 BMC
+% Bioinformatics
+% Version History
+% - [7.11.19] Wrote it to perform knn graph construction with outlier
+% removal and penalized edges to construct a single connected component
+function [knnGraphTbl, knnGraph_dense_bin, knnGraph_dense_wtd, knnGraph_dense_bin_conn, knnGraph_dense_wtd_conn]= createPKNNG_bdl(distMat, num_k)
+   % create neighborhood graph
+   knnGraphTbl = zeros(size(distMat,1), num_k);
+   knnGraph_bin = zeros(size(distMat));
+   knnGraph_wtd = zeros(size(distMat));
+   for n = 1:1:size(distMat,1)
+      [tmp idx] = sort(distMat(n,:),'ascend');
+      knnGraphTbl(n,:) = idx(2:2+num_k-1);
+      for l = 1:1:num_k
+         knnGraph_bin(n, knnGraphTbl(n,l)) = 1; 
+         knnGraph_wtd(n, knnGraphTbl(n,l)) = distMat(n,knnGraphTbl(n,l)); 
+      end
+   end
+   % remove outliers in knn graph to find densely connected subgraphs
+   % first remove non-reciprocal connections
+   knnGraph_dense_bin = knnGraph_bin;
+   knnGraph_dense_wtd = knnGraph_wtd;
+   for n = 1:1:size(distMat,1)
+      tmp = knnGraphTbl(n,:);
+      for l = 1:1:num_k         
+         if ~ismember(n,knnGraphTbl(tmp(l),:))
+             knnGraph_dense_bin(n,tmp(l)) = 0;
+             knnGraph_dense_bin(tmp(l),n) = 0;
+             knnGraph_dense_wtd(n,tmp(l)) = 0;
+             knnGraph_dense_wtd(tmp(l),n) = 0;
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   % connect disconnected components of the graph
+   g = graph(knnGraph_dense_wtd);
+   knnGraph_dense_wtd_conn = knnGraph_dense_wtd;
+   knnGraph_dense_bin_conn = knnGraph_dense_bin;
+   bins = conncomp(g);
+   nComp = max(bins);
+   if nComp > 1 
+      for c = 1:1:nComp          
+          for d = c+1:1:nComp
+              nodes_c = find(bins==c);
+              nodes_d = find(bins==d);
+              max_edge_c = max(max(knnGraph_dense_wtd(nodes_c, nodes_c)));
+              max_edge_d = max(max(knnGraph_dense_wtd(nodes_d, nodes_d)));
+              if length(nodes_d) == 1
+                 [val, best_nodes_c] = min(distMat(nodes_d, nodes_c));
+                 knnGraph_dense_wtd_conn(nodes_d, best_nodes_c) = val * exp(val/max_edge_c);
+                 knnGraph_dense_wtd_conn(best_nodes_c, nodes_d) = knnGraph_dense_wtd_conn(nodes_d, best_nodes_c);
+                 knnGraph_dense_bin_conn(nodes_d, best_nodes_c) = 1;
+                 knnGraph_dense_bin_conn(best_nodes_c, nodes_d) = 1;
+              elseif length(nodes_c) == 1
+                 [val, best_nodes_d] = min(distMat(nodes_c, nodes_d));
+                 knnGraph_dense_wtd_conn(nodes_c, best_nodes_d) = val * exp(val/max_edge_d);
+                 knnGraph_dense_wtd_conn(best_nodes_d, nodes_c) = knnGraph_dense_wtd_conn(nodes_c, best_nodes_d);
+                 knnGraph_dense_bin_conn(nodes_c, best_nodes_d) = 1;
+                 knnGraph_dense_bin_conn(best_nodes_d, nodes_c) = 1;                  
+              else % find the best pair of nodes between nodes_c and nodes_d that can be connected
+                 tmp = distMat(nodes_c, nodes_d);
+                 val = min(tmp(:));
+                 [nodes_c_min, nodes_d_min] = find(tmp==val);
+                 nodes_c_min = nodes_c(nodes_c_min);
+                 nodes_d_min = nodes_d(nodes_d_min);
+                 knnGraph_dense_wtd_conn(nodes_c_min, nodes_d_min) = val * exp(val/max(max_edge_c,max_edge_d));
+                 knnGraph_dense_wtd_conn(nodes_d_min, nodes_c_min) = knnGraph_dense_wtd_conn(nodes_c_min, nodes_d_min);
+                 knnGraph_dense_bin_conn(nodes_c_min, nodes_d_min) = 1;
+                 knnGraph_dense_bin_conn(nodes_d_min, nodes_c_min) = 1;
+              end
+          end
+      end
+   end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mapper2d_bdl_hex_binning.m b/mapper2d_bdl_hex_binning.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..48ae1bc5f183ada3cc3a6dbd4d32ca1fbb0ca12f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mapper2d_bdl_hex_binning.m
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+% aim - to code mapper 2d in matlab
+% author - saggar@stanford.edu (7.11.2019)
+% output: adja, num_vertices, level_of_vertex, pts_in_vertex,
+% points_in_level, and vertices_in_level
+% inspired by TDAMapper R 
+% and Gurjeet Singh's original paper - Singh et al. 2007
+% Version History
+% - [7.11.19] Originally wrote it to check across 4 directions in the binning space
+% for finding overlap across bins. Thus, constrained the nodes to have a max
+% degree 4. [TDAMapper R style]
+% - [7.15.19] Modified to include the other 4 diagonal directions for
+% finding overlappping bins. Thus, constrained the nodes to a max degree of 8. 
+% - [7.16.19] Todo: After talking with Samir C. we will now try to expand
+% the binning strategy from 2D bins to several other styles.
+% - [7.17.19] Update [non-metric version] - instead of looking over the neighbors for overlap, we will 
+% instead just connect levels irrespective of neighorhood status - as long
+% as they share a data point
+% - [7.22.19] Updated [non-metric-version] - added prunning of
+% nodes/vertices - thus vertices with same set of data points are merged
+% into one vertex.
+% - [11.25.19] Adding hex-binning to the Mapper code
+function [adja, adja_pruned, pts_in_vertex, pts_in_vertex_pruned] = mapper2d_bdl_hex_binning(distMat, filter_values, num_intervals, percent_overlap, num_bins_clustering, nsides)
+ %initialize variables
+ vertex_index = 0;
+ if ~exist('nsides','var')
+    nsides = 6; %for hex, and 4 for regular.
+ end
+ % indexed from 1 to the number of vertices
+ level_of_vertex = [];
+ pts_in_vertex = [];
+ % indexed from 1 to the number of levels
+ pts_in_level = {};
+ vts_in_level = {}; 
+ filter_min_1 = floor(min(filter_values(:,1)));
+ filter_max_1 = ceil(max(filter_values(:,1)));
+ filter_min_2 = floor(min(filter_values(:,2)));
+ filter_max_2 = ceil(max(filter_values(:,2)));
+ interval_length_1 = (filter_max_1 - filter_min_1) / (num_intervals(1) - (num_intervals(1) - 1) * percent_overlap/100 );
+ interval_length_2 = (filter_max_2 - filter_min_2) / (num_intervals(2) - (num_intervals(2) - 1) * percent_overlap/100 );
+ step_size_1 = interval_length_1 * (1 - percent_overlap/100);
+ step_size_2 = interval_length_2 * (1 - percent_overlap/100);
+ num_levels = num_intervals(1) * num_intervals(2);
+ level_indices_1 = repmat(1:num_intervals(1), [1,num_intervals(2)]);
+ level_indices_2 = reshape(repmat(1:num_intervals(2), num_intervals(1),1),[num_levels,1])';
+ %figure; 
+ for level = 1:1:num_levels
+    level_1 = level_indices_1(level); 
+    level_2 = level_indices_2(level);
+    min_val_level_1 = filter_min_1 + (level_1-1)*step_size_1;
+    min_val_level_2 = filter_min_2 + (level_2-1)*step_size_2;
+    max_val_level_1 = min_val_level_1 + interval_length_1;
+    max_val_level_2 = min_val_level_2 + interval_length_2;
+    % step 1: find center of min & max and create hexagon ther
+    % step 2: find pts that are within that hexagon
+    % step 3: we will start intersecting
+    center_level_1 = (min_val_level_1+max_val_level_1)./2;
+    center_level_2 = (min_val_level_2+max_val_level_2)./2;
+    hex_poly = nsidedpoly(nsides, 'Center', [center_level_1, center_level_2], 'SideLength',  (interval_length_1+interval_length_2)./2);  
+    pts_level = isinterior(hex_poly, filter_values);
+    %plot(hex_poly); hold on;
+    %pts_level = (filter_values(:,1) >= min_val_level_1) & (filter_values(:,2) >= min_val_level_2) & (filter_values(:,1) <= max_val_level_1) & (filter_values(:,2) <= max_val_level_2);
+    num_pts_level = sum(pts_level);
+    pts_in_level{level} = find(pts_level);
+    if num_pts_level == 0
+       %fprintf(1,'Level set is empty\n');
+       vts_in_level{level} = -1;
+       continue;        
+    elseif num_pts_level == 1
+       %fprintf(1,'Level set has only 1 pt\n');
+       num_vts_level = 1;
+       cluster_indices_within_level = [1];
+       vts_in_level{level} = vertex_index + (1:num_vts_level);
+    elseif num_pts_level > 1
+       %fprintf(1,'Level set has only %d pts\n', num_pts_level);
+       level_distMat = distMat(pts_level, pts_level);
+       level_max_dist = max(level_distMat(:));
+       [Z, cutoff] = find_cluster_cutoff(level_distMat, num_bins_clustering);
+       if cutoff <0
+           fprintf(2,'cutoff <0\n');
+           cutoff = 1;
+       end
+       cluster_indices_within_level = cluster(Z, 'cutoff',cutoff, 'criterion','distance');
+       num_vts_level = max(cluster_indices_within_level);
+       vts_in_level{level} = vertex_index + (1:num_vts_level);
+    end
+    for j = 1:1:num_vts_level
+       vertex_index = vertex_index + 1;
+       level_of_vertex(vertex_index) = level;
+       pts_in_vertex{vertex_index} = pts_in_level{level}(cluster_indices_within_level==j);
+    end
+ end
+ %scatter(filter_values(:,1), filter_values(:,2), 15,'k');
+ % pruning nodes/vertices that have same number of points in them
+ pts_in_vertex_pruned = pts_in_vertex;
+ for i = 1:1:vertex_index
+     for j = i:1:vertex_index
+         if i == j
+             continue;
+         end
+         k1 = pts_in_vertex{i};
+         k2 = pts_in_vertex{j};
+         if isequal(sort(k1),sort(k2))
+             %fprintf(1,'found one vertex for pruning i=%d, j=%d\n', i,j);
+             pts_in_vertex_pruned{j} = [];
+         end
+     end
+ end
+ tmp = {};
+ k = 1;
+ for i = 1:1:vertex_index
+    if ~isempty(pts_in_vertex_pruned{i})
+        tmp{k} = pts_in_vertex_pruned{i};
+        k = k+1;
+    end
+ end
+ pts_in_vertex_pruned = tmp;
+ fprintf(1,'Pruning done\n');
+ vertex_index_pruned = length(pts_in_vertex_pruned);
+ adja_pruned =  zeros(vertex_index_pruned, vertex_index_pruned);
+ for i = 1:1:vertex_index_pruned
+     for j = i:1:vertex_index_pruned
+         if i == j
+             continue;
+         end
+         k1 = pts_in_vertex_pruned{i};
+         k2 = pts_in_vertex_pruned{j};
+         adja_pruned(i,j) = (length(intersect(k1,k2))>0);
+         adja_pruned(j,i) = adja_pruned(i,j);
+     end
+ end
+ fprintf(1,'Prunned Mapper Done\n');
+ adja = zeros(vertex_index, vertex_index);
+%  for i = 1:1:vertex_index
+%      for j = i:1:vertex_index
+%          if i == j
+%              continue;
+%          end
+%          k1 = pts_in_vertex{i};
+%          k2 = pts_in_vertex{j};
+%          adja(i,j) = (length(intersect(k1,k2))>0);
+%          adja(j,i) = adja(i,j);
+%      end
+%  end
+%  fprintf(1,'Mapper Done\n');
+function [Z, cutoff] = find_cluster_cutoff(distMat, num_bins_clustering)
+   Z = linkage(distMat(tril(true(length(distMat)),-1))');
+   if length(Z(:,3)) == 1 % only two points hence one cluster
+       fprintf(1,'Only two points found for clustering\n');
+       cutoff = Inf;
+       return;
+   end
+   lens = [Z(:,3)' max(max(distMat))];
+   [numBins, bc] = hist(lens, num_bins_clustering);
+   z = find(numBins==0);
+   if (sum(z) == 0)
+       cutoff = Inf;
+       return;
+   else
+       cutoff = bc(z(1)); % pickup the smallest index of z
+   end
diff --git a/tda_msc_rsfmri_anamapper.m b/tda_msc_rsfmri_anamapper.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..db6a03629075f5c2c420f247b206eaeb98ac6fda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tda_msc_rsfmri_anamapper.m
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+% Aims - 
+% [1] analyzes Mapper output and create figures from the paper below
+% Please cite:
+% Saggar, M., Shine, J.M., Liegeois, R., Dosenbach, N.U.F., Fair, D. 2021. 
+% Precision dynamical mapping using topological data analysis reveals a 
+% unique hub-like transition state at rest. BioRxiv
+% date - 5.31.2021
+% author - saggar@stanford.edu
+%% generating figure 2, evidence of hub nodes in the real as compared to null data
+clear; close all; clc;
+data_folder = 'output';
+session = 'odd';
+metric = 'euclidean';
+numNull = 25; 
+doi = [21, 36]; % degree of interest (hump observed in the degree dist plot)
+prop_doi = [];
+prop_doi_ar = [];
+prop_doi_pr = [];  
+N_re = [];
+N_ar = [];
+N_pr = [];
+output_name = 'mapperout';
+for null_n = 1:1:numNull
+    null_n
+    for s = 1:1:10
+        mapperout = load(sprintf('%s/sub-MSC%02d/sub-MSC%02d_%s_runs_mat_metric_%s_%s.mat', data_folder, s, s, session, metric, output_name));           
+        try
+            mapperout_ar = load(sprintf('%s/sub-MSC%02d/sub-MSC%02d_AR_null%03d_%s_runs_mat_metric_%s_%s.mat', data_folder, s, s, null_n, session, metric, output_name));
+        catch
+            continue;
+        end
+        try 
+            mapperout_pr = load(sprintf('%s/sub-MSC%02d/sub-MSC%02d_PR_null%03d_%s_runs_mat_metric_%s_%s.mat', data_folder, s, s, null_n, session, metric, output_name));
+        catch
+            continue;
+        end
+        % calculating degree-distribution for the mapper generated graph        
+        deg_ar = degrees_und(mapperout_ar.nodeBynode);
+        deg_pr = degrees_und(mapperout_pr.nodeBynode);                
+        deg_re = degrees_und(mapperout.nodeBynode);
+        [N_re(null_n, s,:), ~] = histcounts(deg_re, 'Normalization', 'probability', 'BinLimits', [0 50], 'BinWidth',1);
+        [N_ar(null_n, s,:), ~] = histcounts(deg_ar, 'Normalization', 'probability', 'BinLimits', [0 50], 'BinWidth',1);
+        [N_pr(null_n, s,:), ~] = histcounts(deg_pr, 'Normalization', 'probability', 'BinLimits', [0 50], 'BinWidth',1);        
+        prop_doi(null_n, s) = sum((deg_re>doi(1)))./length(deg_re);
+        prop_doi_ar(null_n, s) = sum((deg_ar>doi(1)))./length(deg_ar);
+        prop_doi_pr(null_n, s) = sum((deg_pr>doi(1)))./length(deg_pr);       
+    end
+plot(squeeze(mean(N_re,1)));hold on
+%% generating figure 3 & 5, annotating graphs using resting state networks and topographic gradient
+% In the current version we create metaInfo data that can be visualized outside
+% Matlab using our python implementation at https://braindynamicslab.github.io/dyneusr/
+% Matlab version for similar viz. is coming soon...
+clear; close all; clc;
+cmap = [
+254	4	2
+254	206	153
+255	251	0
+30	253	4
+253	176	245
+68	185	217
+0	0	0
+91	22	137
+18	255	235
+184	127	191
+255	255	255]./255;
+nclust = 10;
+num_k = 30; 
+res_val = 30; 
+gain_val = 70; 
+data_folder = 'output';
+session = 'odd';
+metric = 'euclidean';
+net_names_allelse = {'DMN','VIS','FRP','DAN','MOT','VAN','SAL','COP','SM','AUD'};
+net_names_s4 =      {'DMN','VIS','FRP','DAN','MOT',            'COP','SM','AUD'}; % subj4 has van and sal unavailable
+net_names_s10 =     {'DMN','VIS','FRP','DAN','MOT','VAN',      'COP','SM','AUD'}; % subj10 has sal unavailable
+json_thrval_pos = 0.5;
+json_saveOrNot = 1;
+winnerTakeAll = 0; 
+doi = [21, 36]; % degree of interest (hump observed in the degree dist plot)
+corrProp_sub = [];
+for s = 1%:1:10
+    sbj_name = sprintf('sub-MSC%02d-Session-%s', s, session)
+    mapperout = load(sprintf('%s/sub-MSC%02d/sub-MSC%02d_%s_runs_mat_metric_%s_mapperout_may31_2021.mat', data_folder, s, s, session, metric));           
+    % degree annotation 
+    deg = degrees_und(mapperout.nodeBynode);    
+    % doi_nodes
+    doi_nodes = (deg>doi(1));
+    % plotting graphs using d3.js    
+    if s==4
+        net_names = net_names_s4;
+        % pushing the metaInfo as networks 7 and 8 are missing in Sub04
+        metaInfoNetData = zeros(size(mapperout.networkDataVertex,1),10);
+        metaInfoNetData(:,1:5) = mapperout.networkDataVertex(:,1:5);
+        metaInfoNetData(:,8:10) = mapperout.networkDataVertex(:,6:8);        
+    elseif s==10
+        net_names = net_names_s10;
+        % pushing the metaInfo as network 8 is missing in Sub10
+        metaInfoNetData = zeros(size(mapperout.networkDataVertex,1),10);
+        metaInfoNetData(:,1:6) = mapperout.networkDataVertex(:,1:6);
+        metaInfoNetData(:,8:10) = mapperout.networkDataVertex(:,7:9);        
+    else
+        net_names = net_names_allelse;
+        metaInfoNetData = mapperout.networkDataVertex;
+    end
+    [entropy1] = calcEntropy(mapperout.nodeTpMat, mapperout.nodeBynode, metaInfoNetData);
+    [hubness95, hubness99] = computeHubness(mapperout.nodeBynode, doi, deg);       
+    [dom, corrProp] = calcDominance(mapperout.nodeTpMat, mapperout.nodeBynode, metaInfoNetData, json_thrval_pos);
+    % write json for proportional rsn based piecharts
+    metaInfo.value = metaInfoNetData;
+    metaInfo.deg = 100*zscoreScaling(deg);
+    metaInfo.ses = mapperout.sess_id;
+    metaInfo.ent = 100*zscoreScaling(entropy1);
+    metaInfo.doi = doi_nodes+1; %adding 1 for plotting purposes
+    metaInfo.hubs99 = hubness99 + 1; %adding 1 for plotting purposes
+    metaInfo.dom = dom; 
+    corrProp_sub(s,:) = corrProp(:);
+    metaInfo_s(s) = metaInfo;        
+%% attempting to D3.js like force layouts in Matlab. 
+% please note - we didn't generate pie-charts in Matlab, hence the hub nodes
+% don't look uniformly distributed.
+% RSN based notation
+figure; plot(graph(mapperout.nodeBynode),'Layout', 'force','UseGravity','on','MarkerSize',2+5*log10(sum(mapperout.nodeTpMat,2)),'nodecdata',metaInfo.dom);
+% SD based notation - Topographic gradient
+figure; plot(graph(mapperout.nodeBynode),'Layout', 'force','UseGravity','on','MarkerSize',2+5*log10(sum(mapperout.nodeTpMat,2)),'nodecdata',metaInfo.ent);
+caxis([0 60])
+%% generating figure 4: subject specificity
+clear; close all; clc;
+set(groot, 'DefaultTextInterpreter', 'none')
+sub_spec = zeros(22,121);
+sub_spec(1:2:20,:) = corrProp_sub;
+sub_spec(21,:) = mean(corrProp_sub);
+metaInfo_s_odd = metaInfo_s;
+sub_spec(2:2:20,:) = corrProp_sub;
+sub_spec(22,:) = mean(corrProp_sub);
+metaInfo_s_even = metaInfo_s;     
+%% generating figure 6: traversal in time domain
+clear; close all; clc;
+set(groot, 'DefaultTextInterpreter', 'none')
+net_names_allelse = {'DMN','VIS','FRP','DAN','MOT','VAN','SAL','COP','SM','AUD'};
+net_names_s4 =      {'DMN','VIS','FRP','DAN','MOT',            'COP','SM','AUD'};
+net_names_s10 =     {'DMN','VIS','FRP','DAN','MOT','VAN',      'COP','SM','AUD'};
+data_folder = 'output';
+session = 'odd';
+metric = 'euclidean';
+json_thrval_pos = 0.5;
+doi = [21, 36]; % degree of interest
+cmap = [
+254	4	2
+254	206	153
+255	251	0
+30	253	4
+253	176	245
+68	185	217
+0	0	0
+91	22	137
+18	255	235
+184	127	191
+255	255	255]./255;
+ciu_bin_s = {};
+ciu_s = {};
+tr_color_s = {};
+for s = 1:1:10
+    sbj_name = sprintf('sub-MSC%02d-Session-%s', s, session)
+    mapperout = load(sprintf('%s/sub-MSC%02d/sub-MSC%02d_%s_runs_mat_metric_%s_mapperout_may31_2021.mat', data_folder, s, s, session, metric));           
+    % getting fd frames for proper Markov chain estimation
+    fd_files = dir(sprintf('data/sub-MSC%02d/*TMASK.txt',s));   
+    if strcmp(session,'odd') == 1
+        ses_idx = 1:2:10
+    elseif strcmp(session,'even') == 1
+        ses_idx = 2:2:10
+    end
+    tr_label = [];
+    sess_label = [];
+    k_itr = 1;
+    fd_across_ses = [];
+    for ses = ses_idx
+        fd = load([fd_files(ses).folder '/' fd_files(ses).name]);
+        fd_across_ses = [fd_across_ses; fd];
+       % fd(end) = -1;            
+        if fd(end) == 1 %last frame of a session is good, then make it 0 so that we can tag end of session
+            fd(end) = -1;            
+        end
+        tr_label = [tr_label; fd];
+        sess_label = [sess_label; ones(length(fd),1)*k_itr];
+        k_itr = k_itr + 1;
+    end
+    % plotting graphs using d3.js    
+    if s==4
+        net_names = net_names_s4;
+    elseif s==10
+        net_names = net_names_s10;        
+    else
+        net_names = net_names_allelse;
+    end    
+    nodes_hub = find(metaInfo_s(s).hubs99==2); % 2 hubs, 1 non hubs
+    nodes_nothub = find(metaInfo_s(s).hubs99==1);
+    dom = metaInfo_s(s).dom;
+    hub_trs_wtd = sum(mapperout.nodeTpMat(nodes_hub,:))./length(nodes_hub);    
+    nothub_trs_wtd = sum(mapperout.nodeTpMat(nodes_nothub,:))./length(nodes_nothub);
+    rsn_trs_wtd = [];
+    net_names{end+1} = 'NOTA';
+    for net = 1:1:length(net_names)
+        nodes_dom = find(dom==net);
+        nodes_dom = setdiff(nodes_dom, nodes_hub); %excluding hub nodes
+        rsn_trs_wtd(net,:) = sum(mapperout.nodeTpMat(nodes_dom,:))./length(nodes_dom);
+    end
+    % colorful - across all rsn and hub nodes
+    [i,ciu]=max([hub_trs_wtd; rsn_trs_wtd]);
+    tmp = tr_label;
+    tmp2 = tr_label;
+    tmp(tr_label~=0) = ciu;
+    tmp2(tr_label~=0) = ciu;
+    tmp(tr_label==-1) = [];
+    [tm2, mc2] = runMC2(tmp, 0, 'ciu'); % removes bad/stiching frames while counting for transitions
+    ciu_s{s} = tmp;
+    mc_s(s) = mc2;    
+    tmp3 = tmp2';
+    tmp3(tmp3==0) = []; % remove badframes.
+    tr_color_s{s}= tmp3;    
+clc; close all;
+figure; set(gcf,'color','w','Position',[  1         744        2560         448]);
+for s=1:1:10
+    ax = subtightplot(10,1,s), imagesc(tr_color_s{s}(1:600));
+    if s==4
+        map = getColorMap([{'HUB'},net_names_s4,{'NOTA'}]);
+    elseif s==10
+        map = getColorMap([{'HUB'},net_names_s10,{'NOTA'}]);
+    else
+        map = getColorMap([{'HUB'},net_names_allelse,{'NOTA'}]);
+    end
+    colormap(ax,map);
+    set(gca, 'FontSize',20)
+%% generating figure 6E
+clear; clc; close all;
+tmp = load('output/mc_even_hub99.mat');
+ev = reshape(tmp.mc_all, [10,144]);
+tmp = load('output/mc_odd_hub99.mat');
+od = reshape(tmp.mc_all, [10,144]);
+mc_nodiag = [];
+for s = 1:1:10
+    tmp1 = squeeze(od(s,:,:));
+    mc_nodiag = [mc_nodiag;  tmp1(:)'];
+    tmp1 = squeeze(ev(s,:,:));
+    mc_nodiag = [mc_nodiag;  tmp1(:)'];
+hypo_mat = [1   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
+            1   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
+            0   0   1   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
+            0   0   1   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
+            0   0   0   0   1   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
+            0   0   0   0   1   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
+            0   0   0   0   0   0   1   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
+            0   0   0   0   0   0   1   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
+            0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
+            0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
+            0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
+            0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
+            0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   1   0   0   0   0   0   0
+            0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   1   0   0   0   0   0   0
+            0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   1   0   0   0   0
+            0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   1   0   0   0   0
+            0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   1   0   0
+            0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   1   0   0
+            0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   1
+            0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   1
+            ];
+close all;
+r = suppress_diag(r);
+hypo_mat2 = suppress_diag(hypo_mat);
+anova1(fisherz([r(hypo_mat2>0);r(hypo_mat2==0)]), [ones(20,1); 2*ones(380,1)])
+figure; nhist({r(hypo_mat2>0) r(hypo_mat2==0)})
+%% utility functions
+function new_map = getColorMap(net_names_needed)
+    net_names = {'HUB','DMN','VIS','FRP','DAN','MOT','VAN','SAL','COP','SM','AUD','NOTA'};
+    map =   [
+            201,201,201;
+            254,3,2;
+            255,250,0;
+            255,206,153;
+            30,253,3;
+            254,176,245;
+            71,185,216;
+            0,0,0;
+            92,22,137;
+            16,255,235;
+            195,122,193;
+            255,255,255;
+            ];
+    map = map./255;
+    new_map = [];
+    %new_map = [new_map; map(1,:)];
+    for n = 1:1:length(net_names_needed)
+        new_map = [new_map; map(find(ismember(net_names,net_names_needed{n})),:)];
+    end
+function [tm, mc] = runMC2(ciu, plotFlag, plotTitle)
+    % modifying the code to account for frame dropouts and session
+    % boundaries
+    nciu = max(ciu);%sum(unique(ciu)>0);
+    tm = zeros(nciu, nciu) + 1e-10; % a small value is added for subjects which don't have all networks.
+    for i = 1:1:length(ciu)-1
+        j = i + 1;
+        if ciu(i) <= 0 || ciu(j) <=0
+            %fprintf(1,'skipping due to 0\n');
+            continue;
+        else
+            tm(ciu(i),ciu(j)) = tm(ciu(i),ciu(j)) + 1;
+        end
+    end
+    mc = dtmc(tm);
+    if plotFlag == 1
+        figure; set(gcf, 'Position',[596         496        1722         408]);
+        subplot(1,3,1),graphplot(mc,'ColorNodes',true,'ColorEdges',true,'LabelEdges',true);
+        subplot(1,3,2),eigplot(mc);
+        X = redistribute(mc,25);
+        subplot(1,3,3),distplot(mc,X,'Type','Histogram','FrameRate',0.01);
+        suptitle(replace(plotTitle,'_','-')); 
+    end
+function [hubness95, hubness99] = computeHubness(mat, doi, deg)
+    g = graph(mat);
+    closeness_matlab = centrality(g, 'closeness');   
+    hubness99 = zeros(size(mat,1),1);
+    hubness99(intersect(find(deg>doi(1)), find(closeness_matlab>prctile(closeness_matlab,99)))) = 1;
+    hubness95 = zeros(size(mat,1),1);
+    hubness95(intersect(find(deg>doi(1)), find(closeness_matlab>prctile(closeness_matlab,95)))) = 1;
+function scaled = zscoreScaling(value)
+    scaled = zscore(value);
+    scaled = scaled./max(scaled);
+function [dom1, corrProp] = calcDominance(nodeTpMat, nodeBynode, netData, thr)
+    numMetaGroups = size(netData,2)+1; %last one is for neither of the 11 networks
+    numNodes = size(nodeBynode, 1);
+    prop = zeros(numNodes, numMetaGroups); 
+    for n = 1:1:numNodes
+        trs = find(nodeTpMat(n,:));
+        for tr = trs
+            if any(netData(tr,:)>thr)
+                prop(n, netData(tr,:)>thr) = prop(n, netData(tr,:)>thr) + 1;
+            else
+                prop(n, numMetaGroups) = prop(n, numMetaGroups) + 1;
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    [~, dom1] = max(prop, [], 2);
+    corrProp = corr(prop);
+function [entropy1] = calcEntropy(nodeTpMat, nodeBynode, netData)
+    numNodes = size(nodeBynode, 1);
+    entropy1 = [];
+    for n = 1:1:numNodes
+        trs = find(nodeTpMat(n,:));
+        if length(trs) > 1
+            mean_nets = mean(netData(trs,:));        
+            entropy1(n) = std(mean_nets);
+        else
+            entropy1(n) = -1;            
+        end
+    end
+function parsave(myfile, sbj_name, runType, metricType, nodeTpMat, nodeBynode, tpMat, parcelData,  networkDataVertex, ses_idx, sess_id, filter)   
+    matObj = matfile(myfile, 'Writable', true);
+    matObj.nodeTpMat = nodeTpMat;
+    matObj.nodeBynode = nodeBynode;
+    matObj.tpMat = tpMat;
+    matObj.parcelData = parcelData;
+    matObj.networkDataVertex = networkDataVertex;
+    matObj.sbj_name = sbj_name;
+    matObj.ses_idx = ses_idx;
+    matObj.sess_id = sess_id;
+    matObj.metricType = metricType;
+    matObj.runType = runType;
+    matObj.filter = filter;
+function [nodeTpMat, nodeBynode, tpMat, filter] = runBDLMapper_wrapper(parcelData, metricType)
+    % run mapper
+    data_z = parcelData;
+    nclust = 10;
+    num_bin_clusters = nclust;
+    num_k = 30; 
+    res_val = 30; 
+    gain_val = 70; 
+    [nodeTpMat, nodeBynode, tpMat, filter] = runBDLMapper(data_z, metricType, res_val, gain_val, num_k, num_bin_clusters);
+function [nodeTpMat, nodeBynode, tpMat, filter] = runBDLMapper(data, metricType, res_val, gain_val, num_k, num_bin_clusters)
+    X = data;
+    resolution = [res_val res_val];
+    gain = gain_val;
+    fprintf(1,'Estimating distance matrix\n');
+    tic
+    distMat = estimateDistance(X, metricType);
+    toc
+    fprintf(1,'Estimating knn graph\n');
+    tic
+    % create knn graph, estimate geodesic distances, embed using cmdscale and apply mapper
+    [knnGraphTbl, knnGraph_dense_bin, knnGraph_dense_wtd, knnGraph_dense_bin_conn, knnGraph_dense_wtd_conn]= createPKNNG_bdl(distMat, num_k);
+    knn_g_wtd = graph(knnGraph_dense_bin_conn);
+    % estimate geodesic distances
+    dist_geo_wtd = round(distances(knn_g_wtd,'Method','positive'));
+    toc
+    fprintf(1,'Estimating embedding\n');
+    tic
+    % embed using cmdscale
+    [y,e] = cmdscale(dist_geo_wtd);
+    filter = [y(:,1), y(:,2)];
+    toc
+    fprintf(1,'Running mapper\n');
+    tic
+    [adja, adja_pruned, pts_in_vertex, pts_in_vertex_pruned] = mapper2d_bdl_hex_binning(distMat, filter, resolution, gain, num_bin_clusters, 3); 
+    toc
+    fprintf(1,'Creating final output\n');
+    tic
+    % creating matrices for d3 visualization
+    numNodes = length(pts_in_vertex_pruned);
+    numTp = size(X,1);
+    nodeTpMat = zeros(numNodes, numTp);
+    for node = 1:1:numNodes
+        tmp = pts_in_vertex_pruned{node};
+        nodeTpMat(node, tmp) = 1;
+    end
+    nodeBynode = adja_pruned;
+    tpMat = getMatTp_wtd(nodeBynode, nodeTpMat);
+    fprintf(1,'Done\n');
+    toc
+function distMat = estimateDistance(X, metricType)
+    distMat = squareform(pdist(X, metricType));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tda_msc_rsfmri_runmapper.m b/tda_msc_rsfmri_runmapper.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..18581c82da445ac134f7b83392f98ac9b451814e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tda_msc_rsfmri_runmapper.m
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+% aims - 
+% [1] Runs Mapper on odd and even runs of MSC data and
+% saves the mapperout file that can be used later for analysis and viz.
+% [2] Runs corresponding null models for comparison.
+% Please cite:
+% Saggar, M., Shine, J.M., Liegeois, R., Dosenbach, N.U.F., Fair, D. 2021. 
+% Precision dynamical mapping using topological data analysis reveals a 
+% unique hub-like transition state at rest. BioRxiv
+% date - 5.31.2021
+% author - saggar@stanford.edu
+%% load data
+cd ~/data
+clear; clc; close all;
+metricType = 'euclidean';
+runType = 'odd';
+output_name = 'mapperout';
+for s = 1:1:10 
+    sbj_name = sprintf('sub-MSC%02d',s);
+    cd(sbj_name);
+    ses_files = dir('vc*.dtseries.nii');
+    ses_files = {ses_files.name};
+    fd_files = dir('*TMASK.txt');
+    fd_files = {fd_files.name};
+    parcel_ids = cifti_read(sprintf('%s_parcels.dtseries.nii', sbj_name));
+    parcel_ids = parcel_ids.cdata;
+    vertex_net = cifti_read(sprintf('%s_parcel_networks.dscalar.nii', sbj_name));
+    vertex_net = vertex_net.cdata; 
+    vertexNetworksIds = unique(vertex_net);
+    parcelNetworkIds = unique(parcel_ids);
+    net_ids_in_parcels = {};
+    for net = 1:1:length(vertexNetworksIds)
+        tmp = unique(parcel_ids(find(vertex_net == vertexNetworksIds(net))));
+        [c,ia,ib] = intersect(parcelNetworkIds, tmp);
+        net_ids_in_parcels{net} = ia;
+    end
+    parcel_order=[];
+    for n=1:1:length(net_ids_in_parcels) 
+        parcel_order= [parcel_order; net_ids_in_parcels{n}]; 
+    end
+    networkDataVertex = [];
+    parcelData = [];
+    parcelData_noTmask = [];
+    X_odd = [];
+    sess_id = [];
+    if strcmp(runType,'odd') == 1
+        ses_idx = 1:2:10
+    elseif strcmp(runType,'even') == 1
+        ses_idx = 2:2:10
+    end
+    fd_all_ses = [];
+    for ses = ses_idx
+        ses_files{ses}
+        st = cifti_read(ses_files{ses});
+        data = st.cdata;
+        fd  = load(fd_files{ses});
+        fd_all_ses = [fd_all_ses; fd];
+        data_notMask = data;
+        data = data(:,fd>0);
+        X_odd = [X_odd; zscore(data')];
+        sess_id = [sess_id; ones(size(data,2),1)*ses];
+        % create Network based mean time series for vertexwise data
+        tmp = [];
+        tmp2 = [];
+        for p = 1:1:length(vertexNetworksIds)
+           tmp = find(vertex_net == vertexNetworksIds(p));
+           tmp2(p,:) = mean(data(tmp,:),1);
+        end
+        tmp2 = zscore(tmp2');
+        tmp2(:,1) = [];
+        if s==4 % accounting for two misssing networks in s4
+            tmp2 = [tmp2(:,1), tmp2(:,2), tmp2(:,3), tmp2(:,5), tmp2(:,6), tmp2(:,9), mean(tmp2(:,[10,11]),2), tmp2(:,12)];
+        elseif s==10 % accounting for one misssing network in s10
+            tmp2 = [tmp2(:,1), tmp2(:,2), tmp2(:,3), tmp2(:,5), tmp2(:,6), tmp2(:,7), tmp2(:,9), mean(tmp2(:,[10,11]),2), tmp2(:,12)];
+        else
+            tmp2 = [tmp2(:,1), tmp2(:,2), tmp2(:,3), tmp2(:,5), tmp2(:,6), tmp2(:,7), tmp2(:,8), tmp2(:,9), mean(tmp2(:,[10,11]),2), tmp2(:,12)];
+        end
+        networkDataVertex = [networkDataVertex; tmp2];
+        % create parcel based mean timeseries
+        tmp = [];
+        tmp2 = [];
+        tmp3 = [];
+        for p = 1:1:length(parcelNetworkIds)
+           tmp = find(parcel_ids == parcelNetworkIds(p));
+           tmp2(p,:) = mean(data(tmp,:),1);
+           tmp3(p,:) = mean(data_notMask(tmp,:),1);
+        end
+        tmp2 = zscore(tmp2');
+        tmp3 = zscore(tmp3');
+        parcelData = [parcelData; tmp2];
+        parcelData_noTmask = [parcelData_noTmask; tmp3];
+    end
+    % real data 
+    [nodeTpMat, nodeBynode, tpMat, filter] = runBDLMapper_wrapper(parcelData, metricType);
+    myfile = sprintf('%s_%s_runs_mat_metric_%s_%s.mat', sbj_name, runType, metricType, output_name);
+    parsave(myfile, sbj_name, runType, metricType, nodeTpMat, nodeBynode, tpMat, parcelData,  parcel_order, networkDataVertex, ses_idx, sess_id, filter);
+    % null data
+    num_surr = 25;
+    surr_pr = [];
+    ar_model_order = 1;
+    % using CBIG code to generate null datasets.
+    surr_ar = CBIG_RL2017_get_AR_surrogate(parcelData, num_surr, ar_model_order, 'gaussian', length(fd_all_ses), parcelData_noTmask);
+    surr_pr = CBIG_RL2017_get_PR_surrogate(parcelData, num_surr);
+    for it = 1:1:num_surr
+        it
+        parcelData_null = squeeze(surr_pr(:,:,it));
+        sbj_name_null = sprintf('%s_PR_null%03d',sbj_name,it);
+        %creating metaInfo for null data
+        parcelDataNetworks_null = [];
+        tmp = [];
+        tmp2 = [];
+        for net = 1:1:length(vertexNetworksIds)
+            tmp2(:,net) = mean(parcelData_null(:,net_ids_in_parcels{net}),2);
+        end
+        tmp2 = zscore(tmp2);
+        tmp2(:,1) = [];
+        if s==4
+            tmp2 = [tmp2(:,1), tmp2(:,2), tmp2(:,3), tmp2(:,5), tmp2(:,6), tmp2(:,9), mean(tmp2(:,[10,11]),2), tmp2(:,12)];
+        elseif s==10
+            tmp2 = [tmp2(:,1), tmp2(:,2), tmp2(:,3), tmp2(:,5), tmp2(:,6), tmp2(:,7), tmp2(:,9), mean(tmp2(:,[10,11]),2), tmp2(:,12)];
+        else
+            tmp2 = [tmp2(:,1), tmp2(:,2), tmp2(:,3), tmp2(:,5), tmp2(:,6), tmp2(:,7), tmp2(:,8), tmp2(:,9), mean(tmp2(:,[10,11]),2), tmp2(:,12)];
+        end        
+        parcelDataNetworks_null = [parcelDataNetworks_null; tmp2];
+        try
+            [nodeTpMat_null, nodeBynode_null, tpMat_null, filter_null] = runBDLMapper_wrapper(parcelData_null, metricType);        
+        catch
+            fprintf(2,'Error due to CMD SCale in PR it%03d', it);
+            continue;
+        end
+        myfile = sprintf('%s_%s_runs_mat_metric_%s_%s', sbj_name_null, runType, metricType, output_name);
+        parsave(myfile, sbj_name_null, runType, metricType, nodeTpMat_null, nodeBynode_null, tpMat_null, parcelData_null, parcel_order, parcelDataNetworks_null, ses_idx, sess_id, filter_null)
+        close all;
+    end
+    for it = 1:1:num_surr
+        it
+        parcelData_null_ar = squeeze(surr_ar(:,:,it));
+        % Jul 22, 2021 - adding temporal mask to null to see if that
+        % changes degree distribution
+        parcelData_null_ar = parcelData_null_ar(fd_all_ses>0,:);
+        sbj_name_null = sprintf('%s_AR_null%03d',sbj_name,it);
+        %creating metaInfo for null data
+        parcelDataNetworks_null_ar = [];
+        tmp = [];
+        tmp2 = [];
+        for net = 1:1:length(vertexNetworksIds)
+            tmp2(:,net) = mean(parcelData_null_ar(:,net_ids_in_parcels{net}),2);
+        end
+        tmp2 = zscore(tmp2);
+        tmp2(:,1) = [];
+        if s==4
+            tmp2 = [tmp2(:,1), tmp2(:,2), tmp2(:,3), tmp2(:,5), tmp2(:,6), tmp2(:,9), mean(tmp2(:,[10,11]),2), tmp2(:,12)];
+        elseif s==10
+            tmp2 = [tmp2(:,1), tmp2(:,2), tmp2(:,3), tmp2(:,5), tmp2(:,6), tmp2(:,7), tmp2(:,9), mean(tmp2(:,[10,11]),2), tmp2(:,12)];
+        else
+            tmp2 = [tmp2(:,1), tmp2(:,2), tmp2(:,3), tmp2(:,5), tmp2(:,6), tmp2(:,7), tmp2(:,8), tmp2(:,9), mean(tmp2(:,[10,11]),2), tmp2(:,12)];
+        end        
+        parcelDataNetworks_null_ar = [parcelDataNetworks_null_ar; tmp2];
+        try
+            [nodeTpMat_null_ar, nodeBynode_null_ar, tpMat_null_ar, filter_null_ar] = runBDLMapper_wrapper(parcelData_null_ar, metricType);        
+        catch
+            fprintf(2,'Error due to CMD SCale in AR it%03d', it);
+            continue;
+        end
+        myfile = sprintf('%s_%s_runs_mat_metric_%s_%s', sbj_name_null, runType, metricType, output_name);
+        parsave(myfile, sbj_name_null, runType, metricType, nodeTpMat_null_ar, nodeBynode_null_ar, tpMat_null_ar, parcelData_null_ar,  parcel_order, parcelDataNetworks_null_ar, ses_idx, sess_id, filter_null_ar)
+        close all;
+    end
+    toc