# Sets up an OpenSSH server with an appropriate configuration. We need to # support a few configuration variations depending on the vintage of the # system, we lock connections down to campus with iptables by default, and we # have a few subclasses that allow things like host keys. class base::ssh { package { 'openssh-server': ensure => present } base::iptables::rule { 'ssh': protocol => 'tcp', port => '22', source => [ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' ], } # Ensure the daemon is running. service { 'ssh': name => $::operatingsystem ? { debian => 'ssh', ubuntu => 'ssh', redhat => 'sshd', }, ensure => running, require => Package['openssh-server'], } # Install our configuration files. base::ssh::config::sshd { '/etc/ssh/sshd_config': ensure => present } base::ssh::config::ssh { '/etc/ssh/ssh_config': ensure => present } # Configure PAM for sshd on RHEL 6. if ($::lsbdistcodename == 'santiago') { file { '/etc/pam.d/sshd': ensure => link, target => '/etc/pam.d/system-auth', } } # Make sure public key authentication to root does not work and clean up # after the authorized_keys file generated during the build process. Some # clients (HPC) will need to override this (for GPFS, for example). file { '/root/.ssh/authorized_keys': ensure => absent; '/root/.ssh/authorized_keys2': ensure => absent; } # Ignore routine ssh messages. file { '/etc/filter-syslog/ssh': source => 'puppet:///modules/base/ssh/etc/filter-syslog/ssh', } }