# server_patching The module provides classes built around server patching procedures. ## Table of Contents 1. [Description](#description) 2. [Setup - The basics of getting started with server_patching](#setup) * [Setup requirements](#setup-requirements) * [Beginning with server_patching](#beginning-with-server_patching) 3. [Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality](#usage) 4. [Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.](#limitations) ## Description At the moment the only useable class is `server_patching::validation`, which allows to define post-patching checks and generate a bash script implementing these checks. Designed to be invoked with AWS SSM software. ## Setup ### Setup Requirements The module uses `netstat`, `curl` and `pgrep`. These utilities have to be installed on the system. Designed to work only with modern systems managed by systemd. ### Beginning with server_patching Commonly the module is invoked by including a subclass. For patching validation it is just ``` include server_patching::validate ``` Further configuration is more conveniently performed in hiera. ## Usage The following example covers the use of all module parameters: ```yaml server_patching::validate::ensure: present server_patching::validate::validation_script: /usr/local/sbin/validate.sh server_patching::validate::services: - name: open-vm-tools.service active: true - name: openipmi.service active: false server_patching::validate::processes: - name: falcond running: true - name: java command: solr server_patching::validate::urls: - url: https://netdb.stanford.edu/status-DLK87ufdskjf status: 200 - url: https://netdb.stanford.edu resolve_to: status: 302 server_patching::validate::ports: - port: 22 proto: tcp ip_ver: ipv4 listening: true - port: 23 proto: tcp ip_ver: ipv4 listening: false server_patching::validate::mounts: - /home - /mnt/data server_patching::validate::exports: - /share/raw_data - /share/processed_data server_patching::validate::zfs_pools: - pool1 - pool2 ``` The fragment generates verifies if: * VMWare tools service is running * CrowdStrike daemon process is running * Java process which has *solr* in its command line is running * NetDB URL redirects somewhere (to WebAuth presumably) * NetDB server status URL returns success * SSH port is open over IPv4 * Telnet port is closed over IPv4 * Given ZFS pools are imported * Given NFS shares are exported The module would generate a validation script `validation.sh` in `/usr/local/bin/` directory, which can be triggered by SSM and return a zero exit code if all checks pass or non-zero code with a number of failed checks. It outputs the log of the checks run to stdout. ## Limitations Designed for use only with the systems managed by systemd.