<!-- START doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update --> <!-- DON'T EDIT THIS SECTION, INSTEAD RE-RUN doctoc TO UPDATE --> **Stanford OpenLDAP in Container** - [Stanford OpenLDAP in Container](#stanford-openldap-in-container) - [Get and setup personal drone token](#get-and-setup-personal-drone-token) - [Turn on the ci job defined in .drone.yml](#turn-on-the-ci-job-defined-in-droneyml) - [Update ldap image](#update-ldap-image) - [Verify the configuration env defined in env.sh, make sure all the key files are accessible](#verify-the-configuration-env-defined-in-envsh-make-sure-all-the-key-files-are-accessible) - [Manual push to Google container registry](#manual-push-to-google-container-registry) <!-- END doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update --> [](https://drone.svc.stanford.edu/authnz/docker-openldap) # Stanford OpenLDAP in Container This repository contains instructions how to build and publish docker-ldap image to Google Container Registry. This repo supports [DroneCI](https://drone.svc.stanford.edu/authnz/docker-openldap). # Get and setup personal drone token Drone CLI requires access token to talk to drone server. Please get your [personal token](https://drone.svc.stanford.edu/account/token), and save the the token to ${HOME}/.drone-token file. _NOTE_: Do not add newline at the end of the token. # Turn on the ci job defined in .drone.yml NOTE: This will setup the hook for CI trigger. This only needs to be done once. You probably don't need to run this if it's been setup already. ``` $ make drone-setup ``` See .drone.yml for build steps and triggers. # Update openldap image If you make changes to the repository, you can test build manually. If the build is successful, then commit and push changes to the docker-ldap repository. It will trigger CI/CD to build and upload gcr.io/uit-authnz/openldap:latest image. ## Manual push to Google container registry ```console # make build $ make push Updating PS cloud framework from Git into /Users/sfeng/bin/ps-cloud-framework... VAULT SERVER: https://vault.stanford.edu You are logged in VAULT and have permission to read from secret/projects/uit-authnz/* Login Succeeded Push gcr.io/uit-authnz/ldap:048d8295ebbd129086db9161b12b101eb685959e ... The push refers to repository [gcr.io/uit-authnz/ldap] e53371689781: Pushed a8eb0a957605: Pushed 188e99cd395e: Pushed f819153fc68b: Pushed d982fc324e3e: Pushed 4276ef46cf43: Pushed 96e57cd3c993: Layer already exists 240b0bdf7f50: Layer already exists 202b974c712a: Layer already exists 43a852aaa685: Layer already exists latest: digest: sha256:e56efd42b560cffa77a588b0e9ecde71110ec74a6c101d7f53a838a587a460a1 size: 2402 ```